Sunday 28 January 2024

From ScottR December Painting (470 Points)

Well its taken awhile to get thinks started this year.  However, I managed to get my Wild West painting sorted out to run a game from Wargames Foundry called 'Rules with No Name'.  I had painted up some western figures during my year studying in the UK.  I then attended a game at Historicon last year and really enjoyed it.  So for the start of the challenge I figured I would add all the painting work i have been doing for the game.

So here is the Town for the first game.  Most of the buildings here were painted for the game.  The mexican style buildings on the left side have not been finished yet.  

Second Game

This was the table layout for the second game after the cactus plants and outcrops had been printed and painted.

First off, i managed to pick up a few MDF buildings at Historicon and they sat around until I had the time to get them done.  I spent half a day just building them and working out what they needed to be, Undertaker, Bank etc.  I base coated them in a few different browns and then went on to do the different colour frontages.  After that was some minor detail work like windows, doors and posters.  Here are some photos of the MDF buildings.

The centre building.  The Barber shop even had some NPCs done up to add some character.  This included a barber and a customer in the barber chair.

The barber, customer, chair, wagon, barrels and standing horses are all 3D prints.  The two figures are metals with one from Colonel Bills and the other is from Wargames Foundry I think.

Part of the game is to have factions consisting of three, four or five members.

These are the lawmen, 3D prints.
Comanches', 3D prints.

Comancheros, 3D prints.

Oh and While I dont have a Saloon yet, I do have some of the staff with these Can Can Girls and the Piano and Piano player, also 3D prints.

I needed some specific terrain to give the table the proper look.  The next step was to find some suitable terrain pieces to add to the game table.   I found some individual Cactus's and clusters which printed and painted up nicely.  A wagon, some horses, water troughs and barrels.  I need to find some more items and add some extras later but for now. here is what's been done.

Final casting, getting ready for the undercoat.


So here is the game in progress with one of the new buildings and the cactus adding a bit of character to the table.

Ok so now for the second part of the article.  Yes I could have done a completely new article but hey.  

Next up.  A few of us are old 40K players and decided after 10 years to jump back into 10th edition.  For me I started with a Sisters of Battle Force, a few marines on the side and for a second force the Eldar which are now called Aeldari.  I managed to finish off some small units to fit out my 1000 point starting force.

So like all, there is always the preparation.  With Games Workshops new plastic miniatures, I like the build these days.  They are easier to clean and the figures go together really well.  There is a little bit of gap filling to be done but this is fairly easy to do.

Then of course base coating or undercoating and then the real fun begins with the painting.

First up was a unit of Dire Avengers.  This were done with a two layer coat of citadel contrast paint to give it the dark but rich blue that they are best known for.

The next unit off the bench was a unit of wraithguard.  these were fairly easy to do as they have far less attachments and they consist of mainly wraithbone armour and weapon system.

The last unit out and by far one of my favourites was a unit of Howling banshees.  The red hair on these is awesome.  I tried to keep the brightness with a small amount of shade at the base only.

I have included the 3 veteran blade guard marines I did as test figures.  The armour colour was taken from a mix of Imperial Fists and Salamanders.  I have kept the Salamander iconography and written a small amount of lore to support the establishment of a sub chapter of the Salamanders called the Basilisks.

So thats it for this one.  Up next will be some more 40K.  With the Eldaeri done for now, well a few more but not a priority.  No, next up will be some Thousand Sons.  Rubic Marines, Scarab Terminators, Ahriman, chaos spawn and an infernal master.

As to points:

5 Buildings that are 5" x 11" so say 30 points each = 150 points
1 building 4" x 3" 10 points
Scatter cactus terrain 8 pieces 20 points.
2 walkways 6" long by 2"wide each so 12 x 4 maybe 10 points
Carriage vehicle 15 or 20 points
Cactus large pieces x 3 each is about 5-6" round say 15 each for 45 points
24 western 28mm figures 5 each for 120 points
20 40K figures 5 each for 100 points

Total points 470 points roughly, maybe....


In the flurry of under-the-wire posts last week I regrettably forgot to upload this one from Scott - my most sincere apologies sir!

You may have been holding back but the wait was well worth it. Wow, what a tremendous amount of wonderful work. Your Western town along with its various protagonists and antagonists are excellent, though I must say my favourites have to be your large cactus bases - those outcrops are magnificent. 

With the outriders of Eldar and Space Marines on offer I very much look forward to seeing your upcoming 40K submissions. 

Well done, Scott!

- Curt


  1. Lovely work on all that terrain! And they'll always be Eldar to me.

  2. Jeez it must have been a relief to let that all out! I’ll let others geek out over the 40k stuff, cause I just love that western town. It’s got it all, the store facades the NPCs, the cacti! Really like the barber and customer- the barber needs to have an in game role, quick patch em up or something.

  3. Very cool! The rocks and cacti clumped together like that are really effective.

  4. So much to like here, but the cactii are my favourite, too. May be it is because they are so nicely photographed? :) Good job, Scott!

  5. What a points blast! Splendid Far West job, I specially liked the cactii!

  6. The Western town looks super. Love those cactus bases.

  7. I love those cactus terrain prints- great work on those.

  8. All look superb. Elder excellent and the cacti bases top notch.

  9. amazing stuff! I do like those bold Eldar colours
