Tuesday 13 February 2024

From GregB - Sons of Horus Whirlwind Artillery Tank (20 Points)

Here comes some more hope! A Whirlwind Scorpius, ready to fire in support of The Warmaster's noble Space Marines...

I've been away from the Challenge for a couple of weeks now, owing to the disruptions caused by a move to a new house. I'm thankful to report the relocation to Toronto is mostly complete - or, at least, the macro-parts of it are, in that I am now in Toronto, and my stuff is also in Toronto, mostly at the same location. Still a lot of unpacking etc. to go through, but I am desperate to get some hobby stuff in so here we go. This is a Scorpius-variant Whirlwind artillery tank, a 28mm multi-part resin-and plastic model once sold by Forge World, another re-paint project for my Sons of Horus collection from GW's "Horus Heresy" setting.  

Assorted lenses and scanners - no doubt the turret is equipped with the latest in 5G tech - to ensure the rockets arrive on time and on target.

We all know the kind and benevolent Horus Lupercal, Warmaster and last of hope of humanity for liberation from the yoke of tyranny beneath the so-called "Emperor", is a figure of hope. But, you know, sometimes "hope" needs to be backed up with "high-explosives", and whenever that combination is called for the Marines in his legion can count on vehicles like this.

It would have been smart to put a decal of some kind on that rear hatch...but I have no idea where my decals are right now...

Wall-hugging tools like Rogal Dorn and his VII Legion might run around building this-and-that, but the Whirlwind Scorpius ensures none of these walls are too much of a barrier, raining a steady stream of high-explosive guided munitions down on the heads of the fools dumb enough to simultaneously reject the obvious majesty of The Warmaster AND wear bright yellow to a battle. Backed by this sort of artillery, we can count on the XVI Legion Astartes to keep hope on the march through the galaxy at a brisk pace.

Ready to fire!

This vehicle is a mix of resin and plastic model components, but as with so many models in my collection, this vehicle is now available from GW as a full stand-alone plastic kit. Naturally, my response is to finally be provoked into painting and/or re-painting my pre-existing models, but I do expect I'll paint up one of the newer all-plastic models at some point. Maybe for the lonely losers on the loyalist side of the equation? Can't have them pouting, after all...

Another properly re-painted model to sooth the screaming hobby monkey...

Scoring-wise, this is a 28mm vehicle, and it counts for 20 points. Is it ROMANTIC to imagine the steady rain of high explosive rockets raining down on the heads of the Imperial Fists and other loyalist schlubs? I mean, it would certainly look pretty...but we have only 20 points nonetheless :)

Now I completely understand the trials and tribulations of moving house, but is that a reason to go absolutely ballistic? Of course it is, and I am very glad you did, Greg. Now that is some great gear to teach those misguided miscreants an explosive lesson. A fabulous model once more. Good that you and your stuff are mostly together again, but it's a pity about the decal... Seriously, a very fine piece of work, albeit only for a measly 20 points. That's what it is, but glorious points they are and those who are of the true conviction don't care about the cost, no? Well done!



  1. A fine chunk of AFV Greg. Good luck with the unpacking, resorting etc.

  2. Lovely sea green as ever and those things are properly horrible to face across the tabletop!

    1. Thanks Jamie! Yes - the Whirlwinds have remained pretty hard-hitting, even as the game designers have come up with so many other types of vehicles/artillery for the Space Marines...

  3. Hey Greg
    Ugh! I hate moving and the unpacking process is so tedious…
    I don’t really understand the Horus thing, but the vehicles look the business - terrifyingly efficient destruction machines and I do like the sea green colour
    All the best to you, Linda and the doggos ❤️❤️

    1. Cheers Sarah!

      Best not to try and understand the whole "Horus thing", as that way madness lies :)

  4. That is a lovely bit of terrifying kit, Greg. After you've executed and replaced the servitor with something more 'attentive' perhaps a decal will be sourced for the rear door.

    1. Thanks Curt! A new organizational servitor has already been summoned from Mars, with instructions to "be more attentive to important things"...

  5. What a wonderfully painted tank even if it has been misappropriated by a traitorous legion. The cleansing fire of a Basilisk detachment often solves this sort of issue.

  6. Great looking vehicle here dude, nice work!

  7. Fab work Greg, love the shade of green.

  8. Excellent AFV and painting is the business. You did this vehicle proud. Well done.

  9. really really nice the vehicle looks really impressive

  10. Very cool mate. The lens is great and I really like that aqua scheme.

  11. Awesome looking bit of kit! I hope nothing was damaged in the move!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! There are always some "casualties" during a move, but so far...so good...fingers crossed...

  12. That's a great AFV Greg, hope the move means that you'll end up with a great hobby room

    1. Thanks very much Kerry! Moving is hard on the hobby, but I am already working out my hobby area!

  13. It's great to see you progress with the HH forces and such nicely painted stuff at that, I think I will make my Heresy Dark Angels my project for the next Challenge.

    1. Thanks Sander! And I would LOVE to see you do some Dark Angels next Challenge...maybe we can set up some kind of side duel to help each other along!
