Tuesday 13 February 2024

From SarahHC: Sarah presents Local History and the return of Elfio with more Book Stacks (50 points)

Hello Everybody!

Today I present Lady Francis Simpson, star of my very favourite animated Canadian Vignette. 

'Canadian Vignettes' were a series of short animated history clips, along with the nature shorts 'Who's Who of the Hinterland' and the live action re-creations of 'Heritage Moments' which were staples of Canadian TV in the '70s & '80s. 

Watching these short documentaries (most around a minute, perfect Canadian Content to include within TV commercial breaks) as a kid growing up these were really fundamental to a whole generation's sense of Canadian identity. Grab your popcorn, enjoy the film! 

But back to Lady Francis ... Francis Simpson of London, England was married at 18 to her older (cousin??) husband Lord Simpson, Governor of the Hudson Bay Company. In 1830, the couple and entourage traveled from London to Montreal, then an arduous journey by canoe and portage from Montreal to the Red River Settlement in what is now Winnipeg, Manitoba. Lady Francis and her travelling companion Miss Reid were the first European women to have travelled. 

What is really remarkable, is that Lady Simpson brought her PIANO from London to Fort Garry ...the first piano in the territory! I believe the piano is on display at the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg and Lady Simpson's journals are at the Hudson Bay Company Archives/Manitoba Archives (where Curt worked as a young archivist many moons ago).

I struggled to find a suitable a suitable figure for Lady Francis. The figure I selected does not have the correct style of dress for the 1830s, the skirt should be puffier with hoops, and larger sleeves. For the sake of comfort on her long journey in canoe, I assume she will have foregone with the hoop skirts as a space-saving measure .. haha! However, head wear was large, feathered and elaborate...so this figure was promptly downloaded from MyMiniFactory. 

I choose pink as homage to the short film and pink in 1830s was a highly fashionable colour for day dresses. (Wow! Pink is a hard colour to paint, and the dress is bit of a mess, I used Vallejo Rosa Pink as the base colour and then Citadel contrast Volupus Pink) The piano, another 3D print from MyMiniFactory, was fun to paint, except for the sloppy black keys (don't look too close). The piano is a simple print, I tried to add some design flair by attempting to paint trompe l'oeil flowers on the front and added a brass rail to hold sheet music.

Elfio (previously scored) has become something of a pet amongst the Librarians (he’s verrrry fit and does like to work out) … he has begun to organize the back log of books, unfortunately Elfio is now sorting by colour …. all ready to be loaded on to a book cart (that's coming soon)!

Five more stacks of mysterious books, (possibly aesthetically dangerous books for Elfio) books to be used as scatter/decor.

Points tally:

Lady Simpson (54mm) & Piano (local history location): 20 + 20 = 40 Points

some more book stacks: say 3 points? 

Total = 43 points

Thanks for coming in for a visit!

- Sarah

Excellent work, Sarah! Now that's a lady worthy of milady in her resplendent pink dress. A very interesting backstory too, I really don't envy those porters lugging a piano along. Let's hope Lady Francis had a repertoire sufficient to while away the arduous long hours in that canoe! Trying not to be the proverbial thrifty Dutchman here too much, while obviously still keeping up our national reputation (if not that for consistency), I'll score the stacks of books at 2 points each, so rounding up the total for today to 50.



  1. Fantastic story and great paint job

  2. Loved that NFB vignette. Will we get a waltzing log driver? Great work on Lady S and essentials. I assume Elfio gets asked to heft heavy boxes and reshelve books on the very top shelves.

    1. Haha! The Waltzing Log Driver film is sooo awesome!

  3. Oh wow, love the NFB clip!! And what an era to move a piano!

    Great work Sarah, love the colours and the story & inspiration for the figure are fantastic.

  4. Thanks Greg …. I confess, I went down the rabbit hole of NFB films, (thanks YouTube!) Definitely worth exploring

  5. The NFB short is a great addition. For those of us a little further south, it reminded me of both Schoolhouse Rock and Mr. Peabody. Very nice brushwork, especially the bookstacks!

    1. What a great era of kids tv, Sesame Street, Partidge Family, , Muppets all the terribly wonderful After School Specials …

  6. Great work here Sarah, love the NFB connection! Maybe next you can do a Log Driver ;-)

    1. Haha!
      Thanks Dallas, That’s the second request for the Log Driver, I’ll see what I can find…..

  7. Wonderful story and painting Sarah.

  8. Absolutely brilliant work love the history and of course the ongoing story with Elfio, the painting of your minis is perfect

    1. Elfio has a an upcoming cameo …. Stay tuned

  9. I like a good stack of books! I'll have to check out the cartoon.

    1. The Book Stacks were really pleasing to paint, each one is unique & I happily spent far too much time with

  10. Absolutely smashing stuff! What a great backstory and the book stacks are beautifully done. I particularly like the greens you've used.

  11. Excellent finish and background!
    Best iain

  12. That's a fantastic paint job Sarah

  13. Nice work, I really like the books!

  14. Great vignette and the backstory is enthralling, cannot wait for the next installment!
