Saturday 9 March 2024

From MattW: French casualties (78 points)

 I have been busy this last week since returning and have managed a number of hours at the desk. First up some 28mm Napoleonic French casualties from old glory and out of ammunition markers. A simple afternoons painting, then basing on warbases dials, ready for General de Brigade or Grand Armee games. 

28mm foot @ 5 points x 15 

3x 28mm markers 1 point? 

Total 78 points 



Ah, the forgotten part of wargaming... casualties. Not a high priority on anyone's painting list but they do make a tabletop battlefield "come to life"... or maybe the opposite. In any event these look fine and I'm not going to quibble with you on points - prone figures typically count for half-points as you only have to paint the front half, but given the shenanigans going on in this Challenge I'm not that fussed.

76 points for you.
