Tuesday, 21 January 2025

From TomL: Dredd, Pulp Figures & Knuckleduster - Gluttony and Greed (60 points)

 Escorting us to the Third Circle of the abyss is another well armed Pulp Figures Gangland Gal:

For our Gluttony entry we present two experts at speed and volume eating.  First up "Fatbo" the self proclaimed expert on rebellion:

Followed by "Fat Ram", the designated Judge line breaker.  No doubt he is regretting some life choices as he closes in on the Judges...

These militant members of the “League of Fatties” and their block mates fight for their inalienable right to overeat - famine and war shortages be damned. An extra shot of their entire gang rolling down hill... 

 Continuing on to Greed, the Fourth Circle of the abyss, I submit the Carpetbagger:

This Knuckleduster figure fits the caricature of a opportunistic Northerner, who post war packed a few clothes in a cheap carpet bag and strutted his way south for economic or political gain.  All of these figures were painted using Vallejo metalics and Foundry & TTC acrylics with a few GW washes.   

Points are 6 28mm figures plus Guttony & greed for 70 points.  The extra Fatties were painted before this challenge. Hope to finish some ACW CSA units next week.


Well those, errr, cholesterol changed individuals have been reaching for my gym bag! Quite the overly engaging sculpts they are too! :-)

I make that 7 x 28mm figs plus 20 bonus points for a total of 55. I'm going to round that up to 60 for all those fabulous details of the fatties (including 2 'pushers'!)

- Paul

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful painting. Those big units are amazing sculpts and beautifully painted.
