Tuesday, 21 January 2025

from Mike F - Cyberpunk Police - 50 Points

 Continuing on with my Exploit Zero project, I’ve completed a set of 10 models to represent wave 2 adversaries. These are the local police and they’re highly militarized! Armed with assault rifles, grenade launchers and sniper rifles, I don’t think they’re here to take anyone’s report! I went with a brighter blue and white  for the uniform as it’s a force that still wants to be seen as approachable and a positive influence on the community. In reality however, they largely serve their corporate masters and try to barely keep a lid on civil disorder. Miniatures are from Seb-Games Void line and are in metal.

 10 x 28mm miniatures for 50 points.

Thanks for visiting!


"Iso Cubes for you Creep, and I'll take 50 points as a fine" 

Nice work Mike - I'm enjoying seeing your project come together!

- Paul


  1. These look great! They kind of remind me of the robot cop from Futurama, I wish someone would make a model of that!

  2. Who says grenade launchers cannot be part of a "positive influence on the community"? Great painting work Mike!

  3. Well Done! Good looking unit of minis that could look at home in a variety of games.

  4. Great work on a versatile group of corporate enforcers.
