Tuesday, 28 January 2025

From GregB - Hospitaller Banner Bearers & Infantry (44 points)

Some 28mm Hospitaller knights - figures from Footsore, sculpted by Paul Hicks.

For my first submission today I have some figures which have been sitting in the queue for over a year...here we have some members of the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem - the Hospitaller Knights. These are 28mm metal castings from Footsore Miniatures, received from a Kickstarter I backed a few years ago. The figures were sculpted by the amazing Paul Hicks, and the flags are from Little Big Man Studios (now available through Victrix). 

Banner man and fellow warrior - I particularly enjoy the Knights who have some mix of cloth in their headgear...really sets the "period" for me. 

The Crusades are a period of history that has fascinated me for years. I love reading about this era of history, and as you might expect this interest has naturally merged with my hobby mania such that I am keen to run games set during the period. So you would think I probably have a well-organized collection for the setting, right? LOL. 

"Prepare to believe!"

My intense interest in the Crusades has often floundered on the kinds of mental rocks that often wreak havoc and limit or stop any useful progress among wargamers. Mostly I have waffled between hoping to play skirmish games like "Saga" and then suddenly wanting to do larger games like "Hail Caesar", and then struggling with how to base the figures...inducing paralysis via analysis and causing me to go paint some more 30k stuff instead :) Over the years I have managed to paint what amounts to a pair of large war bands that would work for "Saga" - not nothing, but hardly great progress.

More awesome poses from Paul Hicks...man I love his stuff...

These Footsore figures were meant to jolt me out of this stasis, but instead have been a prime example of this unfortunate tendency...at first I was using the round bases to paint them - you can see some of the initial figures back in Challenge XIII. Since that time, I have come to my senses and re-based those original figures on more traditional square bases to allow for their deployment in a game like "Warhammer Ancient Battles" or "Hail Caesar". Moving houses last year didn't help with progress on this effort, but in the summer I did get a second bunch of Hospitallers based up and primed and...well, you know how the rest goes...

Love how his hood hangs over his brow...adds to a menacing air...

Another view of the mounted banner man.

But here we are in AHPC XV, and I can make a bit more progress again! These sculpts are just amazing to paint - beautiful, proper metal sculpts created by the talented hand of Paul Hicks...what else could a hobby squirrel want?? The colour palette for these warriors is fairly basic and muted, but still fun to work with. The shields are hand-painted, not my preference, but it didn't turn out too badly. 

For scoring purposes we have six 28mm foot figures and a single mounted 28mm figure, which should account for 40 points. Hopefully some more Crusades-era figures will join this lot on the painted shelves before this edition of the Challenge concludes. 


One of my favourite periods also Greg, and lovely Hospitallers they are too! If you want to play some smaller scale games with them, check out the rules "Outremer" in the Osprey Blue Book series. Lots of fun, RPGlite skirmish level gaming fun to be had, and you've got all you need already painted in this submission. Take a few bonus points for the banners too :-)
- Paul


  1. Great painting and agree these Footsore are fantastic figures. Just sharing I have these based on sabot bases, so I can do the skirmish SAGA type games but then together on a unit base for games like Impetus.

    1. Cheers Jez - and point noted re: sabot bases...those are things that my inner-hobby-OCD monkey often struggles with..best to just let the lads skirmish on the square bases, but sabot-type trays could at least give me a shot at coming up with uniform square bases for a game like "Soldiers of God" or something...

  2. Wow Greg, these are gorgeous, the perfect mix between heraldry and gritty realism!

  3. You did a great paintjob on these black and white Hospitallers! Love them!

  4. Great paintjob Greg and I share your dilemma about basing for skirmish vs army level games. Just buy the same figures twice and do both!

    1. Cheers Kerry! This was once my approach...but storage levels no longer allow for such free-wheeling ways!

  5. Nicely done Barons wars set of figures they will be a great addition to any army.

  6. I’m with you on liking the mix of cloth and helmets, makes them feel more grizzled and real

  7. They look smashing, Greg! Everytime I see your crusaders I think of David Thewlis character in Kingdom of Heaven. Said movie makes me think entirely to much of collecting crusader miniatures.
    I really like how you consistently make your knights look as though they have stepped from several battles than medival transcripts. They are splendid!

  8. Excellent work. The black and distressed shields and cloaks are ace.

  9. Cool stuff, Greg! All in black is hard to paint, but these look good. Great sculpts, great paintwork.

  10. Great looking models here dude! Square bases FTW!

  11. Nice work Greg, Footsore do make some great figures.

    1. Thanks Ray - and you are right, Footsore sculpts are awesome. Really, anything by Paul Hicks is awesome!!

  12. Superb work Greg, black is hard to achieve. I do love footsore miniatures


    1. Cheers Matt - yeah, Footsore are tremendous!

  13. Im a big fan of the crusades in general and especially these figures. Great work on highlighting the robes.
