Tuesday, 28 January 2025

From TomL, Wrath & ACW CSA troops (185 points)

To start is my first complete CSA regiment of the AHPC - the 44th Alabama.

I like this look better than the previous stands I painted pre-AHPC so some repainting will be in order for those.  From what I have read many CSA regiments didn’t carry the state flags in battle but I have flags & two flag bearers so..mine will have a state flag. Might just be me, but adding flags at this scale is almost as painful as painting horses.

Continuing our path through the Abyss we move from Greed to the 5th circle of the Abyss - Wrath.  There we find some Pulp Figures Coweled Cultists (#2) up to no good.

These scorned angry women hunger for vengeance.  EMaking a deal too terrible to contemplate they have summoned demons from beyond as the embodiment of their Wrath.

Though for one of them this will prove to be her final favour...

The demons are from Crooked dice. All the 28mm figures were painted using TTC & Foundry acrylics and a few GW washes. The universe conspired to keep the large demon from completion with figure issues and my airbrush dying while applying the base coats.  Hopefully I will get back to him later in the challenge but no points for him today. 

CSA unit - 60 15mm troops for 120 points.
Wrath - 20 points
9 28mm - 45 points


Nice Rebs Tom but I LOVE the cultists - our second submission of such committed team players this Tuesday! And how nice that the horned goat men have come to frolic with them in the fields. Dont see how that could go wrong at all...  185 points tallied!



  1. Cultists ARE always great fun Tom, and you have done some fine work here.

    Your results with the Epic ACW continue to really impress - I cannot get a consistent result with those particular figures during my dabbling, and the results you get will hopefully inspire me to try again with them sometime...

    1. Murch figures are fun to paint. The ACW can be fiddly. I am base coating coat, pants, rifles and boots with contrast, white cleanup if needed in between colors then acrylics for the face and equipment details. Final wash of Vallejo game wash to blend and help hide small mistakes.

  2. a great entry with some very good painting!

  3. Really impressive ACW painting Tom, you've done such a good job on them. I like the paintwork on the daemons too

  4. I do like those crooked dice sculpts, nicely painted

  5. ACW for the win. Excellent troopers. The cultists are excellent as well.

  6. Wonderful work, Tom! The cultists are really grand including the demons, but it is always delightful to see your wee civil war mins. I really like the color and pop you get out of those tiny troops!

  7. Thanks everyone. I have a lot of fun pulling random figures for the themes. Keeps me motivated for painting the army.

  8. Great stuff the cultists and beast men are fantastic

  9. Nice work, really like those boys from Bama
