Tuesday, 28 January 2025

From DallasE: Bolt Action AEC Armoured Car (20 points)

Hey gang. Not much for this week but I did start and finish a resin armoured car. This is some super old stock from Warlord Games that I picked up from a local pal. It's an AEC MKIII.

At first I thought I might reasonably be able to paint it up for North Africa, but they really only used the MKI with a Valentine turret, but some reportedly armed with a Crusader turret mount a 6-pounder AT gun. But this MKIII replaced the MKII's 6-pounder with a QF 75mm AT gun. Yikes!

I painted this one as a MKIII fielded by the 1st King's Dragoon Guards in Normandy.  The vehicle was painted Castellan Green, washed Agrax Earthshade, and panel highlighted Castellan again. I freehanded the insignia.

I used some serial number decals I had in the bits box with a freehand "F". The stars on the hull sides are freehand. I stuck on some stowage from ValueGear as well.

I did find one star decal in the box though!

This is a pretty good model, resin body and turret with metal gun barrel and wheels. I don't think you can buy it anymore though! It'll fit into my late-war Brit force pretty well I think.

Points: 20 for a 28mm vehicle.

See you next time with some trucks!


Nice job Dallas - I do love those older resin Warlord models. I've got two of their resin Churchills and they have some very satisfying heft to them! (anyone got a third spare to complete my Troop?) Your hand painted marking really complete the look - nice work!

- Paul


  1. Awesome work Dallas! The little touches - the freehand insignia! It all comes together nicely.

    I wonder how "safe" it was to fire that particular type of gun from that kind of armoured car carriage...?

  2. Lovely paintwork. Has a really realistic finish and feels like I'm looking at the real thing in a museum.

  3. Very realistic finish. Really like the weathering and stowage.

  4. Model on wheels I like more as on tracks, so I really like this one. Very nice weathering!

  5. That's a fine piece of work Dallas

  6. Great work on a superb armored car.

  7. Nice Armored car, Dallas! I like the highlight and weathering you did it, and the freehand markings came out very well a great looking AC!

  8. Cracking work on the freehanded unit marking and numbers mate. Well done!

  9. Excellent work. I love how they stuffed big guns into ACs

  10. That's a lot of dakka for an armoured car. Look forward to seeing it on the table.
