Tuesday, 28 January 2025

DavidB - Lust (175 points)

I am diligently following Dante and doing my best to follow the path. It has made my hobby area a huge mess. I suppose my desk could resemble a hellous clutter of haphazard stacking, or a hobbyists nirvana of potential...like the duo above it is entirely perspective. These ladies are from TTCombat Carnevale. They are Sirens creatures that lure sailors to their doom with their enchanting song and beguiling beauty. Beyond the starter sets, these models were purchased as my first choice of miniatures to add to the starter factions of Guild and Rashaar. The Rashaar are human cultists and eldar gods and quite at home in the water. The Siren on the left did beguile me as she reminded me of the spirit from the movie"The Ring" just her quiet, still stance and unsettling appearance....I wanted to paint her. the other siren is a lot more extroverted and is a very fine beckoning pose. as I was painting them, It seems both are splendid specimens of  a woman saying fine. There is more clarity in the meaning of fine with the inflection and tone as it is spoken or texted. The one to the left will say Fine in a quiet way  perhaps a whisper or even just text 'Fine' as a one word response to a message. Plainly it is indeed not fine and you will find yourself in mortal peril. The one to the right will speak 'Fine' with a giggle and sparkling eyes or respond to your texted plans with "that would be perfectly fine" It was a ruse to entice you closer and lower your guard and you will find yourself later visiting your mother in law, going to a venue you would not otherwise, or purchasing something that is expensive but kinda worth it because it makes her smile. Fine is a word needing to be surrounded in black and yellow hazard stripes, strobing lights, and alarm bells because feminine fine is anything but!

They were painted in the new Army Painter Fanatic paints. They are a lot keener in life than in picture as I just couldnt get the purples and blues right without the picture being too dark or too bright. The vibrant colors in the fanatic range are just great though if you trust my word. I kept the left Siren in cooler skin tones painting the pale deep skin tones in thin layers over a pale blue contrast paint. The right Siren was done in warm skin tones over an orange contrast paint to make her more warm and lively suiting her outgoing tempermant.
TTCombat had these creatures as albino white, so I went with the paler turquoise paints to tie these merfolk in with the rest of the Rashaar crew. 

I went with black eyes on most of the monsters to give them even more of a creepy, other look.

This big fellow was given neon green eyes like a bioluminescent predator of the deep.i painted the bulbs on its body similar like additional light...maybe more eyes

These froglike fish men were done with the same colors as their big brother, but i used pale flesh to paint their bellies and face to bring out their flabby faces and form

Everything else used the vibrant greens and blues except i made their eyes orange as black did not work to well.

For this one I went with olive greens to make the tentacles and barnacles on it pop more. He is the only one to have more muted colors although i used the vivid blue on its fins. 

The Rashaar brings in slaves that are a health potion for the monsters. You can restore wounds on the monsters by sacrificing one of these unfortunates

I kept them in pale muted colors so they do stand out with the grimy feet and cloth and their raw wounds 

a drowned one, an enforcer, an assassin, and the faction sorcerous leader

The Cult of Drogon is a faction gang with more human cultists and a pack of drowned ones will round out this faction in the future. I will keep using the vibrant blues and greens to tie them all together

They do make an impressive crew when put together and still have a nice individual look.

These are the Jade Obelisk from Games Workshop Warcry. They have not been used in a game yet, but they might soon as they are painted and will be quite different from my Corvus Cabal.There are few warbands I want to collect for Warcry. There are many to choose from weird, creepy, nightmarish, and I really want to paint those. The Jade Obelisk are in the camp of I-really-want-to-paint-those. They are obsessed with jade enough to have those unique masks.Their armor has a distinct eastern flair, so I had a lot of ideas. While I painted the swooping hawks from limbo, they jumped into the paint queue with some other bands and squads so I could get painting more with the fanatic turquoise range i like so much....kinda how my hobbyist OCD works.

the fodder show how I approached them as the various metal bits are as standout as the jade.

I decided the focal points would be the jade and the patches of  flesh. They have the cowl hoods and skirts with armor plates. I used all of the army painter metallic range to emphasize the metal over brown and pale fabric. The warm flesh tones and jade bits stand out really well.

The statue smashing heroes really showcase the metal armor bits, flesh, and jade quite well

I used some of monument hobbies jade and turquoise on their attendant creature

the glowing green eyes and tan beak are lost from the chroma of its body.

It wasnt until assembly that i discovered the champion has a levitating Obelisk of jade tied to him rather than carrying it on his back 

With his sharp jade swords, I gave him a red hooded mantle to make him look extra special.

The leader stands out just fine with the bloody heart and jade dagger.

Still, she is the boss and a pale lavender robe gives her an even more I am the boss vibe.

Moving back to Carnevale, I have the latest for my favorite crew the guild.

The Black Lamp or guild workers for hire. The black lamps shut down magic. Since anyone can hire them, I kept him dark with red in his slashed sleeves to show he is Guild.

And Yes that is more Fanatic turquoise used as OLS.

This fellow is the miniature I wanted most. When I first seen the game, I liked the Assassins Creed look of the miniatures. It was a model similar to this that I playtested at Adepticon. I leapt him from a two story building jumped a canal using a gondola and took out a Rashaar monster.
I was hooked and fell in love with the game, miniatures, setting, and terrain.
This lively lady is a thief. she comes with a couple of cutpurses .

These little tykes are a step up from their pickpocket companions and can do some damage 

browns, greens, reds for the little scamps. their tiny hands were shapeless blobs and seemed to have some casting errors which made it hard to keep painting them. I used them to try out the olive, brown, and cream color fanatic paints and that carried them to completion.

So this mix of miniatures is for lust. The Sirens fit the theme, but the warcry is the new hotness in my game time and Carnevale definitely has enticed me like a Siren saying "Fine".

16 Rashaar with two skulls 80 points
5 guild crew- 25 points
10 Jade Obelisk-50 points and 10 skulls
lust- 20 points
175 points total and 12 more skulls bring my tally to 93 skullz

"Cult of Drogon" and Fishmen INDEED! - what kind of IP stealing after-school club is this? :-)

Thats said, I do love a collection of like-minded, focused individuals displaying excellent teamwork as they work toward their agreed KPIs (nefarious or otherwise)



  1. Really nice brushwork. I now have thumb ache from scrolling on my phone! Very productive. Top work

  2. Great work David - some fantastic colour here.

  3. Nice colorful palette for these. The Carnevale are my favorites.

  4. Great bunch of painted figures. Great work David!

  5. Wow, that's quite a collection all very well painted. The statue smashers would be my favourite of the lot I think

  6. I do like the carnevale range, really nicely realised here

  7. Very creepy! Particularly the siren with the hair over her face.

  8. Great collection of well painted figures. They go well together. Well done.

  9. The Ring, what a deeply disturbing film that is, still one of my favorite horrors! Cool painting.

  10. Wow, what an excellent collection of weird stuff! Some beautiful sculpts among those.

