Friday, 24 January 2025

From John B: 28mm Space Marines of the Puls - Granea Pulticula Chapter (Gluttony) (45 points)

Slow progress compared to last year for all sorts of reasons. One thing has not changed - the theme has again distracted me from my regular projects although I did manage two cavalry units to start with. Next up though is a LIMBO from AHPC14 - some Space Marines. Now I don't do Space Marines - I even failed to paint my young son's space marines back in the day - my beautiful wife (resident space marine expert (RSME)) came to the rescue and did an excellent job. So it is fitting that she rescued me from the gluttony step - I am stuck on linear because I am stuck on female subjects because I have chosen to use only whats in the current pile and yep - no female figures I can find so far. Now last year I primed these space marines - ok so technically they are space warriors. Then ran out of time to include them. They made this year's shortlist and wow - they got done. Now the issue was I decided they were fat, so nicely met the gluttony section - oh no says Resident Space Marine Expert - RSME. We need a proper food aspect. So I did a bit of a search and discovered that Space Marines have two stomachs - and so do these Space Warriors. Yep they have a Preomner and like some of their Space Marine cousins eat things like triglyceride gels and of course amino porridge. Here was something to work on. It got better because they eat porridge and guess what was in our breakfast cupboard? Yep a packet of oats - just right for some porridge.
Now all we had to do was make up a bowl and get them to eat it. At this point I should add that RSME had also turned Artistic Director having suggested the porridge eating requirement that we feed the Space Marines, or in fact that one should be persuaded to dive into said porridge in a film spectacular. So here is the premiere of "The Double Gut Filled Space Marine" a major movie that just missed the Oscars. Producer - Norber Lorenzo Artistic Director - RSME.
Then of course the denouement
And our mad marine makes his escape
No harm was done to any space marine in the making of this movie....
That's it - short and sweet....... Of course it's the outtakes that make this movie......



 And the credits.......... We will skip the massive list of shot on location teams, musicians, gophers, grips, catering, wardrobe, camera teams, SFX, RSME's specialist team etc. Instead the paint job on the Space Marines or rather Space Warriors was based on Vallejo "Painting Metal" pack which I found in a cupboard and so decided to use. It meant some layering, shading and mixing. But I am happy with the rugged result - a million miles away from the airbrush quality blended paint jobs in the VJ guide.  The pallette was essentially VJ. All were Game Colours 72.051 Black - undercoat 72.050 Cold Grey - main base coat 72.019 Night Blue - shading 72.024 Turquoise highlight/shading especially leaders sword 72.151 Heavy Gold Brown - opaque range - shoulder armour and other gun highlights 72.091 Sepia - a wash - sword and hair over an old citadel calgarth brown 72.153 Heavy Brown - opaque range - shoulder armour 72.001 White - mix for various shading/dry brush highlights. However, I needed yet more paints for my Space Marines/Warriors. GC 72.006 sun yellow - lights GC 72.010 bloody red - lights GC 72.034 bone white - shade/dry brush notably sword and gun of leader GC 72.008 orange fire - shading on gun VJ Model Colours MC177 - oily steel - cables to sword and gun MC075 - light green - lights and head base colour Citadel Colour Contrast ironjawz yellow - leaders gun and other gun shading warp lightning - leaders skintone shading talassar blue - leaders sword thats a wopping 17 paints. Usually I try to stay around 10. The more paints the more to the process, although of course if you start mixing colours that might not be true. Either way these Space Marines received a lot of attention. And I am happy with the result. Meanwhile the 28mm figures as you have guessed are not Warhammer but Atlantic by Nexus. £5 for 5 figures bought at the Partizan Show from Parabellum of Birmingham.

Front back and sides as they say!
The Survivor - showing his illuminations only to be seen if closely examined - seriously!

As regards points I think it's 5 x 5pts plus 20 points for Gluttony, giving a grand total of 45 points. Total = 45pts

Well, that's top marks for effort, John! You have gone to such great lenghts with this that I can hardly begrudge you your Gluttony bonus. Well done! As to the Space Warriors/ Marines, they really shine. 17 paints, that's quite a lot, but the result is excellent! A great colour scheme, and I like the flaming space gun thingy. I must also compliment you with your RSME, that truly is a great boon to have! 45 points it is.



  1. I like the painting style here, definitely different to the GW studio Spam style. 17 paints, blimey that is commitment.

    1. Thanks Peter I got carried away ;) but it was an enjoyable approach as it is not my normal working method.

  2. Great fun and well done to you and your RSME.

    1. Thanks Peter I will pass on your comments!

  3. On my oaths this was a fun post indeed!

    1. Ha Ha Sander I like it - it was fun to dissappear down this rabbit hole!

  4. Pew pew! Love the cliffs as well.

  5. Thanks Barks - yep the cliffs are my sci fi backdrop and double for spanish new mexico - free white goods packaging!!!!
