Friday, 24 January 2025

From Matt T: Blood Angel Death Company (35 points)

Thought I would try my hand at painting some 40K figures in a Grimdark style. Not sure I nailed the brief as I think I may have gone a bit mad with the streaking grime and they just look muddy to me. I probably spend too much hobby time looking at other people's work and daydreaming, but it's an important part of my hobby and one where a lot of inspiration comes from. Some of the Grimdark minis out there are absolutely amazing, and I'm happy to try copying other people's styles and techniques and not quite hit the mark as that's where a lot of improvement and development come from. It's one of the reasons I enjoy taking part in the challenge as participation encourages you to try a few new things

The minis are GW mixed with some of the 3d printed parts from the recent Grey Tide Studios crimson lords release.

Next are a couple of characters. A Chaplain and Tycho succumbed to the black rage. Not sure I will actually use Tycho in a game, but it was fun to kit bash.

7 x 28mm minis = 35 points

It's always good to try new things, and practice makes perfect. That the ideal may seem unreachable should not prevent us from still striving towards it! Looking at other people's work also always inspires me, even though I am a rather mediocre painter myself. You have produced some fine miniatures here, Matt. I like the grimdark look of them. The photos may be a bit dark in and of themselves, but the figures still look suitably gloomy. The red  really complements the dark look. Also, I think you have done a nice conversion job! 35 well-earned points.



  1. Lovely work here, I like the gloomy red. Those backpacks are different, very manga inspired.

  2. Well done Matt. And the Blood Angels always do seem to do everything a little over-dramatically, and you have that spirit captured well.

  3. Grim but not too dark is a challenge. I think these are well done.

  4. Very nice work - love the combination of parts to produce some very distinctive minis. Great stuff!

  5. Facing the Death Company on the table is ever a daunting prospect, more so when they are painted in such high quality!

  6. I've always liked Tycho- yours is great.
