Friday, 24 January 2025

From EdwardG - Last moment Swiss and Friends (115pts)

Hej hej everybody! 

Thank you all so much for the best wishes at the upcoming tournament! It's shaping up to be an exciting day of wargames. Despite my worries, thanks to a very lovely and wonderfully understanding wife, and some miraculously sleeping little ones, I've managed to paint my final units for the tournament well ahead of my Thursday night deadline!?! Now, I'll happily admit, these chaps are at best, tabletop standard. I've seen about a dozen errors when I was editing the photos!! I'm not super happy with this outcome, but I'm consoling myself with the thought that these are, in the end, toys and ones that will likely be whipped out to a mini in their first melee. Such is the way for newly painted figures! :D

So to wrap up the final lot for this Swiss force, I have a final unit of pikemen, a unit of mercenary men-at-arms, and some markers that are needed in the game! 

The pikemen are the standard converted Perry plastics. This time though I have swapped their slightly short looking spears for wire pikes. I like the effect, but I've only put a few of the ends on due to very pointy ouchy problems. I'll be honest, I'm a little worried they'll not make it through the airport security I need to take to get to the event! :) 

The men-at-arms are again Perry Miniatures plastics. They're a mix of boxes of mounted, mostly the lighter types. SAGA Age of Chivalry allows for the use of Mercenary units to join your warband. So my choice is going to be between the cannon and the cavalry to aid my Swiss. I've yet to decide, both are packed ;)

The markers are Perry metals. I've painted them up in a real rush. One of the scenarios requires 3 objective markers. They're not the most appealing objectives. I've decided that my Swiss are big on their humanitarian aid and like to keep civilians protected!


8 x 28mm Foot = 40pts

6 x 28mm Mounted = 60pts

2 x 28mm civilians standing = 10pts

1 x 28mm civilian sitting = 2.5pts

1 x 28mm civilian child = 2.5pts

Total = 115 pts


Ed :)

Yet more great Swiss! Another fine job Edward, you may have been in a rush but they still look fine to me. Let's hope you get them through airport security and that they cause only miniature casualties in your tournament! I like them all, the cavalry look good too and the civilians are really nice. I can live with your calculations, so we'll add another 115 points to yout score. Good luck!



  1. As Martijn said, some lovely work here. If you are still dissatisfied, just rememver, the better painted the new model, the more likely it will die early in its first game! ;-) Good luck in the tournament.

  2. Great work. Lots can be accomplished by kit bashing those marvellous Perry WoR plastics. I am sure that objective markers have lovely personalities….

  3. More excellent painting for your force. Always good to remember your fighting for as an objective.

  4. Thanks all! The minis are packed and through security! The flight AND fight awaits :D

  5. Terrific work on this last great push to get your force ready for your tournament. Wishing you all the best!

  6. They look excellent once again! Lovely work on the horses

  7. Nothing wrong with these excellent figures!
