Friday, 24 January 2025

From PeterB - Are we the good guys? Skull Duel entry (5 points)

I felt like this model needed a post by itself. 

Starting last challenge and continuing through this year, I have been repainting a whole load of 2nd edition 40K Space Marines and Orks. This model I had to save for this challenge, for one reason only, Skull Duel!

I have been going through my Spam collection and any metal models, specifically ones that came out 2nd edition and before, I have been stripping in biostrip and repainting in an old school style as Blood Angels.

When I saw this Captain emerge from the biostrip I decided he would have to be painted during the challenge for the sheer number of skulls he is adorned with.

Counting them all was a challenge in itself and it was only once I had all the old paint stripped off that I saw exactly how many they were. A careful retro repaint and I a transfer on the shoulder and he is done. (Thank goodness for Micro Set and Micro Sol, sticking transfers on curved shoulder pads is no longer an exercise in futility.) 

So, points-wise is an easy count, just a whole 5 points for the 28mm model. But we are all about the skulls here.

Front 6
Top 4
Left arm 5
Right arm 3
Back 2
Sword 31 (I struggled to count these, but I think I got it right.)

Grand total, 51 skulls. Skulls for Skull God!

Bonus picture - Some of the models I have painted last challenge and between, with a picture for inspiration in the background

Well, not much for me to say here! He is a fine model, and you have done a fine job with him, but as you say, it's all about the skulls. And that's not really my department. I applaud your ingenuity and your perserverance in counting all those skulls, though! I'll leave that to our Head Skullmaster, but for now it's another 5 points for you.



  1. An absolute CLASSIC figure, well done!

  2. A skull-tastic figure with a great old school paint scheme. Well done.

  3. Excellent Martin, I Rembrandt having the same figure at some time in the 90s

  4. Yep, a total classic and a complete SkullHog! Well done and well painted Peter.

  5. Great to see the love for old school second edition minis and schemes, great job on the painting. I think they could have sculpted on a few more skulls though…

  6. I had this figure back in the day and I have to say I love your rendition of him and of course all those skulls!

  7. Fun classical submission. Great skull count.

  8. This post just oozes old schoolness! Incredible job!

  9. Lovely oldhammer skulliness! There's something about all the primary colours that is so pleasing to the eye.
