Thursday, 9 January 2025

From MartinC: Anything can happen in the next half hour (222 points)

Another weird week of painting and gaming. First up the most important news. I played a wargame against my brother in law, also named Martin and a day younger than me. We played Saxons vs Vikings, using Kings of War (loads of dice). He loved it and we played 4 times. I walked him through the rules and the principles, and obviously tried to ensure he won. I one the 1st battle on a fluke, I needed a double 1 and then a 3 on 2D6 to survive my morale roll and got both. He won the 2nd one. For the 3rd game I played properly and beat him, explaining my tactics along the way. For the 4th game I set up and then got him to set up and explain his tactics,which were good. I played to his tactics and he slaughtered me. Playing him again today and have bought him some for his birthday, so saxons to paint in the next month.

Actual painting has taken place.

As a boy, and grown up, I loved Supermarionation, thunderbirds, captain scarlet, etc. My favourite was Stingray, so it was with great joy that I purchased an Aquaphibian Terrorfish submarine at Partizan

It's a 3D print and I love it

The original paint job is a bronze green colour but it was a bit boring so gave it a blue head. Not sure it worked

I have a couple of units of Egyptian style skeletons to paint. These are TT Combat 

Another unit to follow next week, may build up to an army eventually 

My Barbarossa forces continue but I'm out of bases and need to collect my next order

A truck




Scores on the doors

Terrorfish - 28mm vehicle =20 
Skeletons  - 20 x28mm foot = 100
10mm tanks - 17x6 = 102

TeemuL: I barely know half the things you love and this submarine is a total mystery to me, but it is pretty. It looks like a decorative item instead of a piece of wargame, which should be taken as a compliment! The skeletons look dusty and worn as they should, but your 10mm vehicles are eye candy, too. All the details and highlights, well photographed, too.

And speaking of the mysteries, your title is a mystery, too. Is that a quote from a TV show or is it a hint towards your games with other Martin or something else? The public is nervously waiting for explanation - or at least me. :)


  1. A new convert, that’s great! I think the blue works on the submarine, and the skeletons are very nice.

  2. Fine work as ever Martin. I love the Egyptian skellies in particular!

  3. Martin on Martin fun. What a great story and you have a new game mate. Envious, that should be a Circle... Great work Martin.

  4. Wonderful collection Martin, love the terror fish. Congrats on the BIL project.

  5. I had to look up 'Stingray' - very cool. We didn't get many of the puppet shows that were popular in the UK at the time. Nonetheless, I know the great sense of contentment and nostalgia when you find stuff that reminds you of that time. Love the fish-sub and the skellies are very cool too.

    1. Stingray was so imaginative. Love painting skeletons

  6. Teemu - it’s some of MartinC[s cultural references… well as it’s Martin it’s just references …. No culture he’s from Stoke . It refers to the introduction of the Stingray programme . Martin - you need “Marina” . Nice bit of fish matey … it shall enjoy filleting it!

  7. I love small scales and your tanks are eye catching for me. Nicely done! And great proselytism job with your brochetas in law! Next step: invite him for painting miniatures. Did you talk to him about AHPC? :P

    1. He doesn't do painting, not his thing at all. Ill have to do it for him

  8. Well done and particularly so for bringing back memories. Loved Stingray, please do Thunderbirds next!

    1. Cheers, I'll have to see what is out there

  9. Great work, Martin! The Soviets came out especially well, the green of the tanks looks spot on

    1. Cheers, luckily there is an actual paint pot for that

  10. stingray tribute - whats not to love - it has mysterious character

  11. That takes me back Martin, great work on the Terrorfish, tanks and skellies
