Thursday, 9 January 2025

From DaniHG: First post ever! 3D printed Battletech Wasp (5 points)

Hello! I'm Dani, from Spain. First of all, Happy New Year, you painters!

This is my first year at the AHPC. I'm really excited to be part of it. You're reading my first post, so thank you!

This year we have a side duel on big robots (SD4 Mech Madness), and since I've been wanting for a couple of years to paint the Black Widow Company from the Battletech universe, I've decided to seize the chance.

I'm starting with a Wasp. I think it's the second mech I've painted in my life. The first (poor thing) was the Locust that came in the basic box that was released in Spain. You can see the mess at the end of this post. Now I'm painting 3D printed mechs from several authors. Sadly, I can't remember their names.

My intention is to send the rest of the Black Widow Company in one single post, so to save Teemu some work, but I wanted to make sure I published at least one post on time so I'm not dropped from the Challenge.

So, here's the Wasp:

This Wasp is part of the Fire Lance of the Black Widow Company (year 3025). The other mechs are two Archers and a Stinger. Here they are, still WIP:


I used black spray (Vallejo) as a primer, then a drybrush with German Fieldgrey WWII (Vallejo Model Color) and another drybrush with a 50%-50% mix of German Fieldgrey WWII and Pastel Green (VMC). Then I painted the metallic parts with Chainmail (1990s Citadel!!). Lastly I applied a general wash with Nuln Oil (Citadel).

For the red parts I used Flat Red and Light Orange (both from VMC). I painted the cockpit and the tip of the right arm weapon with Goblin Green (Vallejo Game Color) and White (VMC) and for the tip of the chest weapons I used Enchanted Blue (again 1990s Citadel) and White (VMC).

I covered the stand with PVA+water (50-50) and then applied sand. Sprayed it with Desert Yellow spray (Vallejo) and then applied a drybrush with Yellow Ochre and Beige (VMC, 50-50 mix). Some bushes adn stones from Gale Force 9 (iirc) glued with the PVA+water mix and there you go! I'll finish it with Vallejo matte spray varnish, but I'll wait untill all the Company is finished.


As I have found on the Internet, Battletech scale is 1/285, or 1/265 on recent years. About 6mm scale. So, since a mech is a vehicle, and if we want to keep it rigorous, this little Wasp should grant me 2 points. After all, we're not here for the score ;) But, just in case, this tiny fella makes 32mm feet to cockpit.

Besides, this mech should count on the Mech Madness Side Duel. I'll fill out the form now.


As promised: here is my first mech ever painted: a Locust. I was about 10 years old and used my dad's enamels. I was am so proud of it!

In fact, I believe this is the first miniature I ever painted!!

You'll be able to read this post in Spanish in a few days at my dusty, really old, personal hobby blog: Ars Ludica Miniaturas

TeemuL: Welcome to the Challenge, Dani! The combination of black and red is beautiful on the mech, difficult colours to master, but you have done it. Mech works wonderfully on its base, good contrast. I'm priviledged to minion painters like you. Looking forward to see the others finished! And don't worry, I'll award you 5 points for it, that has been the tradition in the AHPC regarding mechs, so you decent amount of points.
Locust looks interesting, too. You just need to create some forest terrain, so camo comes to full effect.


  1. Welcome, Dani! The mech looks really good, and thanks for sharing your painting recipe. Enjoy the Challenge!

  2. Welcome on board Dani and that's a great first post -- really nice to get all of the back story to how you got here -- looking forward to more from you!

  3. Welcome Fani, cool Battetech 😎

  4. Welcome Dani, great to have you aboard. The mech is wonderful

  5. Welcome to the Painting Challenge Dani - well done on your Mech!

  6. Welcome Dani! That's a fine looking Mech, make sure to fill in your Duels form to get it scored.

  7. Huzzah! Hello Dan - welcome along - nice job there

  8. They are great Dan, welcome to the craziness of frantic painting!

  9. Great start to your campaign Dani! Welcome to the Challenge!

  10. Well done Dani, good to see you taking part and looking forward to see more Battletech

  11. Welcome on board and what a great start!

  12. Welcome to the challenge Dani, nice start with that Mech
