Thursday, 9 January 2025

From PeteB: Valdemar - Lady In Red [Lust] (30 Points)

I have these figures for a very long time in my collection but never found an occasion to paint them. Now with the AHPC the occasion was there. The theme "lust" in the Divine Comedy invited to do this and here they are, the lady in red with a gentleman who has an excellent view. These Valdemar figures are hard to get these days because they aren't in production any more, as far as I know. Painting these wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. The space between the figures wasn't big and so some parts were hard to reach for painting. But I'm pleased with the final result. I hope you like it to. 

Picture taken outside with flashlight.
Others just outside  in daylight.

Well this was my first of the year and so far I like this challenge. It really works to get some things done on the paintiing desk. Figures that have in a box for far too long now get a chance to see some paint on them. Like these two! 


2 x 20 mm foot figure     =   8 points
Lust entry                        = 20 points

Total                                = 28 points

TeemuL: Excellent entry, Pete! I like your comparison photo taken outside, it is hard to say which ones are better, they are different, but I can't say which I prefer. I would have preferred some closeups to better see the... brushwork, even though I understand the problems with 20mm minis and they being close to each other - it is not easy to take close up photos, if you are not perfectly happy with your work. But at least it looks great from this distance. I'll add couple of bonus points for the quite large base you have created for them.


  1. While I had to avert my eyes from the figures I will say that your basing is wonderful! I have some wood cuts like that lined up for one of my upcoming projects

    1. Thank you Simon! I bought the wood piieces for this kind of small vignette. And it looks good!

  2. Lady in Red still gets me singing Chris de Burgh 😆

  3. Excellent figures and presentation Peter.

  4. Ummm, gulp... nice work. Fits the theme

    1. Thank you Peter! And your comment fits the theme to. Gulp is in Dutch the front side of a mans trouser. 😉

  5. Very Medieval Flashman or Carry On to Crecy. :) Good one Pete.

  6. A very cheeky woman in red. A fun little scene.

  7. More great work Peter. Keep it up!

  8. Oh how sinful and outside as well! :-) Well done Peter
