Thursday, 9 January 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - 4th Wurttemberg (42 points)

The Retreat from Moscow project is coming along nicely. Here we have an 8 figure detachment from the 4th Wurttemberg regiment, that was part of Ney's Third Army, 25th Division, under Brigadier von Hugel.

There are a few companies that make some superb Wurttemberg figures, but alas none of them are in the much needed greatcoats!!

Some some drastic action was required!!!

I bough a few packs of Wargames Foundry French in greatcoats and in true French fashion began chopping off heads!! Replacing them with heads from the old Connoisseur range, now sold by Bicorne Miniatures.

I didn't want to use all the Foundry figures otherwise they would all look the same, so I included 3 plastic Perry figures and one Perry metal figure. I also added a scarf in the 4th facing colours to the only marching figure.

So onto the points...
Pretty simple this one, 8 x 25mm figures at 5 points each
40 points
And if I'm lucky Teemu might give me a few extra points for the conversion work???

TeemuL: Retreat from Moscow is coming along nicely, indeed. It is really great to follow your progress in this duel, the bases and  movement trays look good and the backdrop fits the scene. I seem to be giving bonus points here and there today, so you'll get two, too, just to get a nice number of 42


  1. At least you only had to go outside for the snow effects 😉 smashing mate 👍

  2. You have created quite some unique figures, nicely done Ray!

  3. Fine work Ray, and some excellent hobby surgery to get the right look!

    1. Thanks Greg, sometimes it just has to be done.

  4. Wow Ray, lots of work to get to the painting stage. Head chopping, how French. Great work and love the project you and Ray have going.

    1. Thanks Bruce, as I keep saying to Lee, he's got the easy job.

  5. Lovely conversion work on these. Between us the units are piling up for 1812

  6. Nice head swaps! Make sure to fill in forms if you want these recorded for the Side Duels.

  7. Brrrrr, these look freezing! Excellent work.

  8. Great work on the conversions Ray and the painting is top notch as well.

  9. Once again you have nailed it

  10. Fantastic Ray, they look great

  11. They look great, Ray! I‘m feeling cold just by looking at the pictures

  12. Such an interesting and different group from the Retreat. Great stuff.

  13. Great work Ray, you went the extra mile on these chaps. Unfortunately for these chaps that extra mile on the Steppes may prove a mile too far :D
