Saturday, 8 February 2025

BrianC: Germanic Tribes, Trucks, Mad Scientists, and More! (211 points)

 Okay. This entry is a little of everything! I enjoy painting a variety of miniatures. I have Warlord Games Germanic Tribes, Team Yankee, 40K, a 3D-printed Mad Scientists, and more! Here we go!

Let's start with Dante's Circles. Here is a Zombicide Black Plague Fatty Zombie who had a little too much brains? Gluttony.

A Black Scorpion Skeleton Pirate Miniature is a good example of the fourth circle: Greed.

Something shouty, eh? Well, how about a Warhammer 40K Ork! I believe that will be a great example of the fifth circle: Wrath.

Ok, I'm done with the circles for now. Next, I have painted some Warlord Games Germanic Tribes(21)

I finished painting 2 Team Yankee 15mm Militia Trucks.

A couple of 3D Resin printed Mad Scientists I can use as NPC's or objectives for a future tabletop miniature game.

Lastly, a good ol' 28mm Redneck from Battle Valor miniatures.

Many more minis are on the way!

27 x 28mm = 135pts.
3 x Circles = 60pts.
2 x 15mm Vehicles = 16pts

TOTAL = 211pts
 Sylvain: What a great diversity of models! Every genre is well executed and the colors are bright, giving a clean definition of the volumes of the figurines. Excellent work!