Saturday, 8 February 2025

SteveM: Rock and Stone (58 points)

The following miniatures are from the Deep Rock Galactic board game based on the video game and have been stuck in limbo on the table since they were primed months ago. These were being painted for someone who played the video game so they needed to be semi-accurate. When looking for reference images online there are many variations and shades for each of the characters which aided delays. It seems the cartoon slant for the game makes all kinds of lighting possible in the drawings and artwork. The fandom wiki assisted with some parts but I ended up taking some liberty with some areas.

The following are the core player characters for the game with their supply pod and sentry gun. The main colors for the characters are yellow, green, red and blue and then orange and green for the two game accessories. For the ground work moon rock colored regolith seemed appropriate as they are deep space mining dwarves.

DRG: Group Shot Front

DRG: Group Shot Top

DRG: Group Shot Back

DRG: Driller Front

DRG: Driller Back

DRG: Gunner Front

DRG: Gunner Back

DRG: Engineer Front

DRG: Engineer Back

DRG: Scout Front

DRG: Scout Back

DRG: Drop Pod and Sentry Gun Front

DRG: Drop Pod and Sentry Gun Back

Genre:  Deep Rock Galactic board game

Mfg: Mood Publishing

Material: plastic

Scale: 40mm




4 miniatures * 7 pts = 28 pts

2 miniatures * 5 pts (counting pod and sentry as 28mm)= 10 pts

First Circle: Limbo entry = 20pts

Total: 58 points


Sylvain: The primary colors you use on these miniatures suggest that they are board game pieces. Nonetheless, just like cartoon characters, your figurines are brightly colorful and very characterful with their oversize weapons. I'm sure you will enjoy using them. Nice job!



  1. Lovely looking sci fi types, great looking finish!
    Best Iain

  2. Great character in all these sculpts, and your painting in bright colours has really brought that home. Well done.

  3. Very cool minis all with terrific paintjobs. I think my favourite is the yellow driller.

  4. I’m torn between the yellow driller and the orange gun turret as my favorite. Yellow is such a hard color to get good coverage with, and you have done a great job, but I think the dirtiness of the orange turret edges across the finish line first.

    Well done.

  5. Those are great, love the colours and poses.

  6. Very well done. Bright and different colors really compliment each other. Fun submission.

  7. Great looking figures and painting here. Both elements combine to create some really good looking figs that you should be really proud of!

  8. These do look like a lot of fun!
