Saturday, 8 February 2025

From QuinnM: Trench Crusade (New Antioch Red Brigade) - Treachery and Fraud (101 points)

I didn't post anything last week as I was not done with the full unit for my Trench Crusade war band and decided to wait till they were all painted. 

 I spent a lot of time painting each model as I quite enjoy panting in the dark and gritty style. I took a lot of inspiration from the official art when painting them with the darker greens and red accents. 

I like the designs but the models have a few issues. Some of the details are too small or not designed for 3d printing. 

The models I am most proud of are the lieutenant and the combat medic. If they were not for Trench Crusade I would say I did too much blood splatter on the combat medic and I feel I really got the grim and mud right on their dress. 

Now onto the model I painted up for Fraud, we have a “Dragon born” adventurer for DND made by Sordane Publishing. To the untrained eye it may look like this “Dragon born” adventurer is in fact three Kobolds in a trench coat. But that is a lie propagated by the guards. I'm not sold on my color choice. I initially painted the cloak a bright yellow but couldn't get the shading down right and decided to paint over with a thinned out Brown as I was just trying to experiment with actually getting yellow to have any form of Highlights (I hate yellow paints with a passion).

For my last circle of hell treachery, I painted up my two favorite space Marine legions Alpha Legion and the Salamanders and I fit it all in one model. This is actually a paint scheme I have wanted to do since I started painting inspired by a painting video by heresy for heretics. I didn't do mine nearly as well as his but I think if I would paint more models like this I would have a much better plan. I did try layering several glazes to get a green and blue shift effect over metallic so I'm not 100% happy with the final result but it made me do some experimentation and that was good in the end.




8x 28mm-footman@ 5 points = 40 points
3x 40mm footman@ 7 points= 21 points 
Fraud 20 points 
Treachery 20 points 

TOTAL = 101

Sylvain: Wow, you were not inactive since two weeks ago. Your Trench Crusade war band looks great and your paint job really brings out the despair and constant suffering of the setting. I wish you could have provided us with close-up pictures of all the miniatures you painted as they look terrific in the group photo. Fraud and Treachery are spot on and the colors you chose are definitely in line with the grimdark ambiance of your whole entry. Great job!


  1. Splendid grim dark looking figures, loving the balancing kobold!
    Best Iain

  2. I how you painted these - all of them look fantastic.

  3. Great work Quinn! I think my favourite is the kobolds!

  4. Nice grim and weathered figures. The combat medic looks like she is more likely to put you down than sew you up.

  5. They look great - nicely done

  6. I’m in the camp that loves the trixy kobolds!

  7. Ver6 dark and grim. There’s a Far Side element to the Kobold trio

  8. Captures a very dark and bleak setting. Excellent brush work.

  9. Awesome stuff Quinn! Top notch pairing for only being at it a few months. Not a fan of the trench Crusade stuff though, as it is nasty on the tabletop and not sure how to deal with all that armour :-)

  10. Excellent, I really like the Space Marine - very much Alpha Legion
