Saturday, 8 February 2025

From FrederickC - The Devil's Right Hand - Gunfighters of the Old West and Two Circles of Hell [Greed][Wrath] (145 points)

In the Spring of last year I picked up the rules for 'What A Cowboy' from TooFatLardies. The mechanics of the game has similarities with their 'What A Tanker' rules, which I enjoy playing with the local gang of Fawcett Avenue Conscripts. However I didn't have any appropriate figures to go with the rules. While on my re-enacting travels I came across two sets of multipart plastic figures from Great Escape Games to go with their Dead Man's Hand rules. Each box contains two identical sprues with five sets of legs and torsos, but with enough options of heads, arms, and weapons to build ten unique figures. They have since come out with a box of mounted gunfighters, but the heads, and torsos match those in the first of the two sets. That is definitely a future project of building mounted versions of the gunfighters I have just painted.

In July I attended Historicon and the theme was 'From Hollywood to Historicon". Their 40th Anniversary Mini was a figure of ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’ sculpted by Paul Hicks. It will be a useful addition to all the other gunfighters.

All the figures came with small oval bases, so they got glued onto larger 25mm round bases, and a layer of fine sand was then added to the bases with PVA glue. They were primed black with a rattle can before being painted with a variety of Vallejo and Army Painter acrylics. All the figures were given a coat of Army Painter Soft Tone Wash. The bases were painted with craft acrylics and a few tufts of dry grass were added. Here is the final result.

21 unique gunfighters of the Old West

Here are some closeups of the figures built from the Gunfighters box. There were two figures where I didn't like the fit of the neck to the torso, so I covered up the area with a bandana sculpted out of epoxy putty. I have arranged the figures in the two photos so that the legs match from left to right. I was able to create ten unique figures from the options available.

Gunfighters - Group A

Gunfighters - Group B

 Here are some closeups of the figures built from the Gunfighters II box. Again I have arranged the figures in the two photos so that the legs match from left to right. It shows the variety that can be created from the options available to once more give ten unique figures.

Lady Gunfighters - Group A

Lady Gunfighters - Group B

 I am going to use the gunfighters with masks, in the act of robbing the town bank, the train from Deadwood, or the Wells-Fargo stagecoach, for the fourth Circle of Hell - Greed.

"Hands up," says Bill Miner. "Hands up!" 

"Reach for the sky, sodbusters!"

"Plutus guarding the Fourth Circle of Hell - Greed" by William Blake

Now we come to a tale of murder, hatred, revenge, and retribution with Clint Eastwood as 'The Outlaw Josey Wales'. For those who may not have seen the movie, watch the official trailer on Youtube. I will use this figure to represent the fifth Circle of Hell - Wrath.

"Well, you gonna pull those pistols, or whistle 'Dixie'?"

"The Stygian Swamp of the Fifth Circle of Hell - Wrath" by William Blake

The eight female gunfighters not used for ‘Greed’ I will bank for the present to use as succubi or seraphim at a later point in the Divine Comedy. Whether tough and wily Cowboys, stoic Lawmen, ruthless Outlaws and crazy Desperados, they are all member of the cult of 'The Devil's Right Hand'. 

The points being claimed are as follows:

21 x 28mm foot figure @ 5 points =  105 points

2 x Circles of Hell - Greed & Wrath = 40 points 

Thanks for stopping by.

Sylvain: Pilgrim, that's a lot of Colts for a single posting! You did a good job creating diversity with the set you had at hand. And your colors for your figurines really evoke the Far West. Very nice work!






  1. Splendid looking gunfights and I couldn't think of a better figure for wrath!
    Best Iain

  2. Fabulous looking gunslingers Frederick. Well done.

  3. Excellent collection of ne’er do wells!

  4. Great collection of gunslingers.

  5. Wonderful collection of Wild West characters. Well done.

  6. Lovely stuff. I have fond memories of painting up some Dixon and Britannia western stuff. I must dig them out the loft and pass them on, Great painting on these fabulous figures

  7. Very nice; I do want to dip into the Old West myself.
