Thursday, 6 February 2025

From PaulSS: First batch of Napoleonic French (80 points)

With the Prussian production line rolling to an end it's time to make a start on some opponents for them, so this week I've mainly been cleaning up and priming, but still managed to roll out four battalions of French infantry by Baccus 6mm.

The first battalion represents a line battalion in greatcoats and with shako covers, I mainly used Stone Grey for these, but also add in a few coats and covers in Beige Brown, Neutral Grey and Mirage Blue to add a bit of variety.

A second battalion of line, again in greatcoats and shako covers.

The third battalion represent a unit of light infantry in greatcoats, how do you tell the difference? At this scale the lights have blue overall trousers on and the line have white!

And finally another battalion of light infantry in greatcoats.

All rather samey this post, but if I want to put together a French force, I'm going to need to get cracking on with those infantry battalions.

Finally, I was not happy with the way the flesh came out on the Josefina Lacosta that I painted last time, so I touched it up.

Four battalions each of 40 6mm figures will add 80pts to the total.

TeemuL: What a great variety you offer us, Paul! After a few weeks of 6mm Prussians you now give as a delightful change with your 6mm French. And some have white trousers and some have white! That's almost too much, but in the end more is more. :) Thank you for this entry and good to hear that the project is now up and running. I appreciate your touch up of Josefina, too, looks nice.

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