Thursday, 6 February 2025

From MartinC: Just a Little Madness (80 points)

Having finished the Barbarossa stuff I was searching through the lead pile. Having taught my BIL to play Italian Wars last week, it seemed logical to finish the last figures. 

So I have been painting 10mm Landsknechts. The road to insanity

3 units of crossbowmen. Painting these takes ages but there is a method. Pick a bright colour and paint a different limb on each figure. Repeat for all 80 figures. Then get another colour. Repeat for 6 more colours. 

Half a pike block

Love the flags, really adds to the unit

I have one and a half more pike blocks to paint, then all the figures are done and another collection completed.
Scores on the doors

80 x 10mm infantry = 80pts

TeemuL: Very colourful, especially the flags. Your "simple" method sounds a bit familiar, I used a similar way on my Delmonteland natives, but only three or four colours and 28mm minis...

Shall we see this collection done next week with the remaining pike blocks and may be a group shot? Or shall you wander to some other project - not that Thursday Crew is known for that? Anyway, 80 hard earned points for you!


  1. They look suitably colourful- hope the madness was worth it!

  2. Cheers Teemu. Don't think I invented the production line, but happy to take credit

  3. Fun work and congratulations on another project done.

  4. Great looking unit. The flags really elevate a unit but I have come to dislike those more than horses. 😂

    1. Ta, almost all my flags are google images, including these

  5. You must be completely balmy to do these in 10mm. They look great though.

  6. Some fab looking figures Martin, you Sir are a machine!!!

  7. Ta, could do with servicing though

  8. Nice work Martin, as alredy noted, you are a machine!
