Thursday, 6 February 2025

From MattW: More Greeks for me! (120 points)

 More Greeks for me 

As I continue clearing my desk I can see space finally as another two bases of Greek infantry are completed, (they were quickly filled with US artillery crew and guns). Again Immortal plastics now sold by Warlord Miniatures. Again VVV transfers, I do need to give them a clear coat something in late spring when it warms up as it has been very cold here in west France for the last two weeks. 

28mm infantry @ 5 points 24 x Greeks = 120 points 



TeemuL: There clearly is something alive on your workdesk, at least it keeps on moving. Excellent Greeks Matt, how many of them you have now? I guess I should be painting Greek, too, I have found a rather quick method with them, and that would mean quick points. :) But quickness is not important, nicely painted minis are and here we have 24 for of them. They look great. And soon we will see some US artillery from you. Or something else from your vivid desk.


  1. Fab, you bounce about more than me

    1. Wait until next week, HYW, Napoleonic and more WW2 yanks and Germans coming!

  2. Teemu, I paint without the shields, base coat black, then airbrush cream on the tunics, then base brush the skin, brass brush helmet and shield front and then the back, block colour the centre and do the crests, wash, highlight, gloss varnish shield face, add decals , gloss again. Base.

    A command and another base halfway through, then set aside whilst I paint napoleonics for the next three weeks!

  3. Love these. I need to get the decals/transfers for mine. W

    1. The warlord decals that come with the box are ok, VVV is good, I am thinking about making my own for the next lot

  4. Imposing looking fellas and no mistake!

  5. Excellent painting Matt, love the sheilds.

  6. you can't beat hoplites - they certainly turn my head to ancients every time. I like your units - always prefer pale yellow spears and the shield colours are nicely understated.

  7. Very inspiring, I have some laying around somewhere and I would be happy to paint them half as good as these. Great work!

    1. Thanks, I feel that I have rushed them a little
