Thursday, 6 February 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - The Stragglers (120 points)


The citizens of Moscow had been ordered to evacuate by the Russian troops. All they left behind was a little food, plenty of alcohol, and Moscow in flames. While the French troops pillaged the empty city, Napoleon waited for Alexander I to surrender. Napoleon and his forces waited in Moscow for over a month, but no offer for peace came. By 19th October, the cold had begun to set in, and Napoleon was forced to move from Moscow.

The Grand Army was devastated having to retreat along the invasion route; order broke down, and nearly over half the force that set out from Moscow became stragglers, or those who not only did not keep up with the body of the army, but were not in any shape for combat, these either died from disease, small battles, or being exposed to the harsh Russian winter.

Throughout November the humiliating realities of Napoleon’s losses were exposed to the world. On 5th December, amid rumours of a potential coup, Napoleon left his devastated army. Just over a week later, what was left of Napoleon’s grand army straggled back over the Neman River.

Most of the Straggler figures are from the great range sold by Perry Miniatures.

This unit is the odd one out, having 2 figures from Perry's pack FN194 Scavengers and 4 Warlord plastic figures, Now of course all these figures in all three units will be interchangeable.

In this post there are 24 x 25mm figures, so that makes a grand total of 120 points, my largest points total for an entry so far this Challenge!!

TeemuL: Ray is warming up, you better be prepared Lee! What a wonderful and wonderfully varied entry again, Ray. Sometimes one might think, that painting unit after unit of Napoleonics might get boring, same uniform with little detail changes one unit after another, but you have lots of variation inside one unit! I guess the basing and frozing effect still tie the units together and they all look like part of the same organization. Well deserved 120 points.

1 comment:

  1. What an atmospheric unit! Makes me feel cold just looking at them. Well done Ray.
