Friday, 7 March 2025

From AdamW: Councils of war (The Wise) (36 points)

 Deciding on an entry for 'The Wise' part of the challenge was tricky.  The obvious and simple solution would be a Monk or similar contemplative individual, however, that didn't inspire me in 15mm.

So instead I present a duo of generals from both sides of the American Civil War.  Originally I had planned to use one set for this and one set for the Contemplatives, but I have come up with something more unusual for that one now.

So we have two sets of figures, Union and Confederate. Many wise heads gathered around the table planning the next battle or campaign move. By posting both sides I should avoid upsetting anyone :)

These 15mm figures are 3D prints I bought on Etsy. I like the composition, but they do lack some detail, for example the faces are pretty smooth. Overall I am happy with the results.


8 x 15mm foot@2pts = 16pts

The Wise bonus   = 20 pts

Total 36 pts

You are a brave man to call any Civil War general wise, or perhaps any general (period) for that matter, but I must say that I really like these little vignettes, Adam. They may be a little crude as you say, but the overall result is still very pleasing! The little details on the maps are great too. This hattrick of yours means a further 36 points are added to your total!



  1. Excellent vignettes! I think I need a few of these for my ACW forces.

  2. Nice Adam, there's a bit of action/animation in those figures

  3. Excellent additions to an army

    1. I do like adding these bits if details

  4. Great vignettes, right out of Gods and Generals!

    1. Not one I've seen. Will add it to the list

  5. Heated argument over a map - great start to a story, maybe a scenario, maybe a game. Whatever - to me the vagueness in the sculpts means no distraction form the whole picture - figures, painting, arrangement are all spot on for me.

    1. Thanks. I do really like the layout of them. Just would have liked a bit more detail. I suppose we are spoilt nowadays!

  6. Wonderful set pieces. Excellent map scene.
