Friday, 7 March 2025

From JP: Early Germans - big on Wrath and Violence! Abetted by stout lady hobbits... (100 points)

My Foundry Early Germans continue to fill my thoughts and my painting table and brought out an intensive effort this week. I suspect that by the end of the exercise I will have way more figs than I can use or need...  These are more of the character figures supplemented by war hounds to keep them company. It includes a foray into striped trousers, which I rarely try, but I had better get used to as Gauls will be the next project...

As I am running out of time , I dug into my trunk of unpainted figures and came up with this adventuring party of female hobbits, who should be enough to frighten off any troll... sadly, I can no longer recall the manufacturer. The firm started off in Germany and moved to Montreal. I bought a lovely 100 Years War Hobbit army from them and these were extra figures. They will get me into Violence and Wrath for my Teutonic Thunderers.

So, my tally is :

    6 x Germanic Warriors 25mm        30 points

    4 x War Dogs 25 mm                      10 points    (I have counted each as half a fig)

    4 Adventuring hobbit ladies           20 points

    Violence                                          20 points

    Wrath                                              20 points

    Total:                                             100 points

As ever, thank you for looking!         


Another great entry, JP! I absolutely love your meticulous painting and your choice of colours. The Germans are great, the striped trousers are very nicely done indeed and the complete base looks interesting and varied. A great addition to your army. The hobbits are little gems too, they sure are fantastic little models and another fabulous paint job. 100 points it is, then!



  1. Nice painting on the Germans but the hobbits are my favorite.

  2. Love these German. Great paintwork. But what is this I hear? More figures than you could need. No such thing,,..more...more. ...more!!

  3. Love those Germans and the way you included the leaping dog on the sabot base is really neat

  4. The Germans are definitely well painted, but I do love the Halflings!

  5. These are wonderful. Gotta love stripped pants. Excellent.
