Friday, 7 March 2025

From PeterB : Faith Hope and Love (125 points)

Well, the plan to visit every stop in the Abyss and Paradise is nearly at an end. Last stop was the Contemplatives, so now we have the Fixed stars of Faith, Hope and Love. I was really struggling with this category, it being quite vague. I asked my 10 year old son what he thought and he immediately mentioned Hope. "Surely, you need to paint some revolutionaries or citizen fighters, they fight because of Hope." Well, the kid wasn't wrong there. 

Coincidently, a unit I didn't have for my new Empire army was some free company militia. 
Well, I do now.

A box of plastic frostgrave pirate crew are perfect for this. A few arm and head swaps and I am super happy. I used every different shade of brown I had painting them, then each chap has found some blue cloth to tie on so that in the frenzy of battle they know who not to clobber over the head with a billhook or club. (Although in our club games it's easy to identify the enemy, it's normally a slavering servant of Chaos or a raging greenskin.)

The unit has the ability to use thrown weapons, so to represent this I have given a couple some missile weapons. The models are also diverse enough I could probably use them for a Mordheim gang.

Additionally I have been saving this next model in case I needed to skip a stage of the challenge. As this has not been necessary I am just going to claim the five points now for this raging barbarian from Bad Squiddo Games.

The Points.

One location = 20 points
20 x 28mm @ 5 points = 100 points
Another single 28mm model = 5 points

Total = 125 points

Children and drunkards speak the truth, as we say, so I can't argue with that. Where there is hope, there is life, although when these brutes come storming in it might be a short one. The blue accents tie them together nicely, and the variety of browns has a very pleasing effect. Your barbarian lady is my favourite though, the metals look very good. Well done, Peter, another 125 points for you!



  1. Very nice. Never can have too many shades of brown.

  2. A very diverse and cool rabble indeed. Lovely sculpts finished off very nicely with a top notch paint job.

  3. Lovely. I like the Oathmark figures

  4. Looks like a Saturday night out in the old days - great looking miniatures

  5. Nice use of the Fristgrave figures as free militia!

  6. Wonderful rabble. Very fun addition to your empire and the heroine is awesome as well.

  7. Those pirates work well as militia!
