Friday, 7 March 2025

From AdamW: A nasty habit (The Warriors of Faith) (50pts)

 My second Sphere of heaven entry this week is for the Warriors of Faith. This is a nice straightforward one with no stretching of the imagination needed.

I suddenly realised I needed to crack on with the Heaven entries as the end of the challenge looms at speed.

As with most of these entries they are being done for fun to meet the challenge, but with the intention of using them in a game somewhere along the line.

With that in mind I have pulled together a unit of 15mm monks of various denominations, shapes and sizes. The figures are a mainly Peter Pig, with a few spear armed monks from Ancient and Modern army supplies, and some old minifigs(?) shoved in to make up the numbers. A couple of them have muskets so are ideal for 18th century, but if you look the other way they could be spears and usable for medieval or dark ages.


15 x 15mm foot@2pts = 30 pts

Warriors of faith bonus = 20pts

Total = 50pts

As sou say, a fairly straihgtforward one, Adam. Nicely done, they are lovely figures and they take the paint very well. They look more than ready and willing to knock some Faith into anyone! Well done, 50 points for you.



  1. Nice monks. They look motivated to defend their faith.

  2. Very nice, taking photos of 15s is not easy

    1. Indeed. I find the photos spot flaws i can't s when painting
      . I also am usually in a rush to get the pics do and uploaded so don't send much time on them

  3. Adam, I like the mix of figures - regimented medieval figures always seems a bit odd. Suitably toned done paintwork too - excellent!

    1. Thanks. I always like using up odd figures from the spares boxes too.

  4. Nice little zealots. Great work.
