Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From BrianC: A couple of dogs, Romans, I-Kore Minis(VOID), a HUGE Rumbleslam mini and a druid (160pts)

Hello! I was able to turn in one more entry before the deadline! WooHoo! Okay, I'll be quick!

Here are some Warlord Games Imperial Romans(20) 

Here are some really old minis from I-Kore (VOID). I was trying to go for a Cyberpunk agent/police look. Oh well, either way, they will be used for some kind of Sci-Fi miniature game. Ha!

I finished the last member of the Rumbleslam Human wrestling team! This dude is a 54mm miniature!

This challenge motivated me to finish this team:

Okay, next is a couple of Bolton's dogs from Game of Thrones.

Lastly, a Warlord Games Celtic Druid. I would like to enter this mini in Dante's Paradise Fourth Sphere: The Wise. They were looked upon as a wise man or sage in their tribe. They toss the bones and look to the stars and teach lessons from experience.

Thank you so much for this challenge! I can't wait to return for the third time! 

Take Care all and awesome job with your painted minis! 

28mm x 26 = 130pts.
54mm x 1 = 10pts.
1 Circle(Wise) = 20pts.
TOTAL = 160pts.


Maybe under the wire, but still excellent work Brian. That's a terrific unit of Early Imperial Romans (like stormtroopers and Napoleonic French, you can never have too many). Those VOID figures take me waaay back so it's great to see them getting some due attention. Can't go wrong with some doggos. But my favourite has to be the Celtic Druid figure. I really like his beard and staff (great groundwork too).

Well done Brian and I hope to see you out for the next edition of the Challenge.

- Curt


  1. They all look great, Brian, but I am with Curt on this one: your wise Druid is my favourite. A fine paint job!

  2. Great and varied entry, Brian! Unit of Romans is my favourite of these.
