Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From ChristopherS: Caesarian Romans (60pts.)

Sliding under the door with my last post! For a long time I've wanted to do Caesarian Romans in particular the Wargames Foundry ones as I always really liked them and to this day still consider them the best out there. I don't know why I never got around to doing them, but finally acquired some in a trade with my friend Mike. 

Once I started painting them I was having so much fun, I ordered a large amount of them in a Foundry sale which is only really how I can get them with the price increases, shipping and customs and all. Since I paint pretty slow by the time I need more miniatures some sale is bound to be happening. I suppose it's that way for many of us metal miniature painters as I still paint relatively few plastic and resin miniatures for many reasons that are commonly known like assembly, heft etc.

Somebody gave a great description of the Foundry Caesarian Romans looking like they are fighting on rugby pitch which translates to brutally fighting in a no quarter given or asked toe to toe manner which will really contrast well to the sophisticated look of my Hellenistic opposition I have planned. Plus Caesar vs Pompei , Spanish, Gaul and Germanic tribes and Spartacus Slave revolt all sound intriguing to do as each presents a completely different game. 

Lately I've been putting all my Dark Ages and Ancients on single bases and using blue tack to hold them onto movement bases which holds surprisingly well. I hate re-basing and I don't like sabot bases either and this seems the best solution for me to keep pace with my changing taste in base sizes I seem to go through. For example These bases are 120mm x 60mm, but I'm thinking of trying 100mm frontage to get a quicker start on gaming which won't be an issue as all I need to do is buy new movement bases rather than any dreaded re-basing.

I decided to give them a look that says they have been fighting for some time so I gave some with shield designs and others with just red to show not enough time to paint their shields as the next fight is already coming up. They are all in red to show a bit of a veteran status and one off the more experienced units.

Well that brings my challenge to end and not very many units to show for it(typical for me) plus my commenting fell off a cliff so sorry about that. That's 12 28mm miniatures for 60pts I believe.

Thanks for viewing!

Miniature Company- Wargames Foundry


Having painted about a hundred of Ceasarian Legionaries in the past few years I can appreciate these and the wonderful detail you've gone to Christopher! The deep red, battered bits and variation between their kit give them a really dynamic look (BTW I went with 120mm base frontages also- I liked the space it gave me to be creative in the basing)

A fabulous way to close out your challenge - well done!

- Paul


  1. They look fantastic, Christopher! The reds are really very good. I like your bases too!

  2. That is a great looking unit.

  3. A beautiful looking unit, Chris!

  4. They look the bees knees, Chris! Love the vibrant red
