Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From MartijnN: The last post (The Inconstant, The Ambitious) (137 points)

Phew. Managed to get my 6mm cavalry and artillery done just in time. So here are my last figures for Challenge XV:

These are five bases for my Blucher French force. There is a brigade each of dragoons, cuirassiers and chasseurs a cheval, and a both a foot artillery and a horse artillery battery.

Horse artillery and foot artillery

A brigade of Chasseurs a Cheval

Cuirassiers and Dragoons

They are all Baccus miniatures.

There was one Circle of Hell left to visit, Treachery. I had a great idea to paint up a 6mm figure representing the Count De Bourmont, a French Géneral de Division commanding the 14th division, who deserted to the Allies on the morning of the 15th of June, 1815. However, I also had an idea for the first two Spheres of Paradise, so I had to get my priorities right. Having done enough Circles, Paradise was in reach!

So, for the Inconstant and The Ambitious, as must surely be a shock for anyone who followed me along during this Challenge, I have painted two Iain Lovecraft figures. Here is the wobbly old King, representing the Inconstant, and his just a little too eager son, the Crown Prince, representing the Ambitious:

As you can see, the old King likes his liquor a little too much, and his crown is tottering as a result. I will leave it up to you to decide if he is either eagerly reaching for or desperately rejecting the cup his son, who thinks he has been waiting for the Throne quite long enough, is offering him."Come on, dad, one more won't hurt, right?".

They are 3d printed figures. I really love these Lovecraft figures, they are so full of character. I will probably never find any use for them, but they are fun to paint!

And I also painted a log cabin. No points, just for show (and hopefully help persuade Curt to let terrain back in next Challenge 😉). It is a very bad photo, it is a lot more colourful in real life. Very simple paintjob, but I am pleased with it:

So I made it to Paradise in the end. Scoring is easy I guess:

66 6mm cavalry @1 = 66

7 6mm guns @1 = 7

28x 6mm foot @0.5= 14

2x 28mm foot @5= 10

2 Challenge locations = 40

For a total of 137 points. 

Thanks for looking. I'll leave the formal thanksgiving for the wrap-up post, but thank you all for the support and the encouraging comments. I am already looking forward to Challenge XVI!



What a lovely last post Martijn! I particularly like your Napoleonic French Horse Artillery, but have to laugh and admire your Inconstant and Ambitious. You've been a great booster of Lovecraft's miniatures and these two are worthy additions to your collection. The cabin looks very nice and cozy. Who knows, perhaps my heart (or head) will soften to terrain for next year. :) 

Last but not least, thank you so very much for serving as our Friday Minion. Your comments and support were well received and I very much enjoyed your grand tour of brews and spirits that can be found in the Low Countries. I hope we can imbibe a few in a future visit (along with a rousing rematch of SAGA)!

- Curt


  1. Excellent work. Your showcase of Lovecraft's miniatures has been a lot of fun. If I break down and buy a 3D printer he will be a first stop.
