Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From JohnS: More Spanish Heroes (50 points)

As the closing time looms I have managed to complete ten more Spanish for my Peninsular War army.

A mix of Perry and Brigade Games (with perhaps an Offensive Miniatures officer on the right) these ten militia were actually a lot of fun to paint.

I like my armies to consist of individuals, not all the same figure in the same pose. Militia units give me a chance to scratch that itch.

Every figure is dressed differently, with a range of equipment but I have tried to tie them all together with pops of the Spanish national colours of red and yellow. I can just imagine these two officers walking into a cantina and saying "Hey you, you're in the army now. Do you want the hat or the sash?"

I must mention the basing. Our regular gaming buddy Gavin is a big fan of Peninsular War games and has created an enormous batch of Gav's Special Spanish Basing, made up of a host of "secret" ingredients. He has gifted us regulars with a 2 litre bottle of each. It may take some time to use up!

Thanks to the regular chats with the other Challengers (organised by the Magnificent Millsy) I have achieved a Personal Best this Challenge. They don't call me Slowpainter for nothing!

10 x 28mm Infantry @ 5 ea = 50 points to finish


These Spanish militia look magnificent John. I really like how you've made each unique yet managed to maintain a consistency so the look like a unit when brought together. That secret mix of Gavin's looks the business and with two litres you'll have a lot of arid basing ahead of you.

Finally, congratulations on achieving a personal Challenge Best this year. I'm delighted that it provided you with good impetus for getting models off the paint desk and on the game table. Bravo!

- Curt


  1. Very nice John and I can just see them at Recruiting with the Commissar saying "The one with the sash follows the one with the Hat. When the one with the Hat is killed, the one who is following picks up the hat and looks FABULOUS!"

    Congrats mate - a PB score AND beating Alan to boot! Nothing to sneeze at there (I don't think I have ever done that!). Great to see "Gav's special mix" being used too - that's what I used for my Ceasarian army :-)

  2. Excellent work, John! Very colourful and great variety, good job.

  3. Good job, John! Very nice militia!
