Monday, 10 March 2025

From KentG: 28mm ECW Royalist infantry & 14th century foot sergeants (230pts)

First up another wee batch of English civil war figures
These are by Bloody miniatures and once again are so
nice to paint the detail is so good

The flag is a print out from the warlord games website, not the best 
But good enough to do the Job

It took my a while to get the light blue right
These have been sitting on the desk for nearly 3 weeks 

Next up we have foot sergeants from Wargames Atlantic 
The set isn’t from any particular historical retinue 
I just decided to paint something I wanted to paint.

The crossbow I thought best to do a generic set of figures
That I could use with any retinue and not look out of place

Really liking these figures and they are good practice
I have a few boxes of these in the cupboard 

Total points
46 x 28mm foot @ 5pts = 230 pts

From Millsy:

Yet another wonderful batch of Bloody Miniatures ECW painted this Challenge. I love the saturated blue you have used here Kent, paired with a mixture of blue and other colours for the pants. It gives the regiment a look of being on campaign for a time, but still professionally equipped. Clearly their patron has deep enough pockets to keep them in good condition. Will they fight as good as they look? Only time will tell.

Your foot sergeants would be my pick for this submission though. The palette really ties them together and the subtle shading adds a real layer of depth. Any knight or minor noble would be proud to have these fine fellows in his retinue!

230 points this week. 200+ every week! And so well painted every time too mate.


1 comment:

  1. Well done again Kent, like Millsy I'm a fan of the WA offerings. You've painted those faces particularly well and I'll be keen to hear the recipe in chat tomorrow
