Monday, 10 March 2025

From KerryT: "Some of my favourite things"- Polish Winged Hussars (60 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

I am sure as wargamers we all have our favourite units, those  figures that called to us from their place in those early magazines in our formative years. For me, there were so many, though I suspect that I'm not alone in experiencing that siren call.

The problem was that there just wasn't one unit or type, they were multiple, and they left an indelible mark in your psyche. O how  I longed to see my table replete with ranks of massed charging Napoleonic cavalry, the massive gun battery and the thin red line. Then there were the ordered ranks of Roman legionaries, large blocks of Landsknecht, the gaudy Gendarmes and slashing Samurai. Through time came their modern counterparts in the Sd.Kfz.234 or Puma and the M3 Stewart or maybe even a Tiger....... I could go on...and on and...

Somewhat oddly now I find myself thinking about Julie Andrews ! What have Julie Andrews and wargaming in common then? Nothing I think is my answer!

Growing up, I was probably too young to think of Julie Andrews as a bit of totty but a song she once sung comes to mind!

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things"
Nah, Mrs JA, I'm afraid that's all sentimental bollocks😀

What about Polish Winged Hussars then eh? Why aren't they on your list? This is where I confess that theses are one of my favourite things and so on my list

I'm really not sure why but it probably was a picture in early editions of Miniature Wargames and Wargames illustrated, perhaps these
Wargames Illustrated 1986

Miniature Wargames 1983

Somewhat inexplicably then I found myself painting a few of these again

TAG Polish Winged Hussars completed years ago

Those 6 figures were completed probably more than 10 years ago in one of the Lead Adventure Painting Challenges, I forget which one

They've now been joined by another 6 figures, newly painted and based today

Another new 6 figures will make up the unit size now

Most of the old unit had 2 wings, these only have one

Some figures are sculpted with animal skin cloaks

Hand painting those lance pennants took me all morning!

Lots of bling and a Tiger skin

These guys are so fearless they'll even charge a wall

This is the end result of doing too much thinking lately with retirement approaching (a mere 3 weeks away). I know that I need to rationalise my collection. So what have I done? added another 6 figures to the unit to make them up to a 12 strong unit. This is going to go one of 2 ways now - I'm either going to stick with my plan of painting them up and selling them off in an attempt to make my hobby spending neutral or something bad will happen - yeah, I'll buy more and start another project. Hmm I do like the idea of an Ottoman army! Siege of Vienna anyone?

I'm sure you all know its hard work being a butterfly with a short attention span, after all I was just thinking... "oh look shiny"....

The full twelve now

I summary then just 6 figures though making and painting those lance pennants took a morning and consequently I'm well behind schedule though hope, by the grace of Millsy to sneak another entry in later tis evening!

6 x 28mm Mounted figures @ 10 points = 60 points
1 Squirrel

With apologies to Julie Andrews

Many thanks


From Millsy:

Polish Winged Hussars are one of those things a lot of wargamers have considered painting at some point. Most of us either sober up or take our meds, recover and get on with our lives. Just occasionally though, just every once in a while, you see someone who takes the other road and dives joyfully into the deep end.

Amazing work mate, just wonderful. I know it was a lot to get done in a week but you're to be congratulated! 60 points seems a paltry return but them's the breaks!

Now sit quietly while I call you an ambulance. There's a good chap!



  1. I can hear the feathers fluttering and it brings me joy.

  2. Oh wow, so cool! Love these figures, and I love the story!
