Monday, 10 March 2025

From StephenS: Vampires and Death Robots (Heresy and Violence) (85 points)


Two entries today to keep the points ticking away as we edge towards the finish line.

My entry for the Sixth Circle are two German Nachtjager from Warlord Games for their Konflikt '47 game. German scientists have merged the DNA of reptiles, bats and alligators with 'volunteers' to produce these horrific creations. A process that is probably contrary to more orthodox views of what is proper in war and science, and thus, heresy! The end result is these two fine 25mm metal sculpts. I haven't played Konflikt '47 for a number of years, but a search in a drawer for something else uncovered these, and I thought they fitted the theme nicely.

My entry for the Seventh Circle is an elite group of combat droids programmed for maximum destruction, perfect for the theme of violence. They are Dark Troopers and were some of the big baddies in the Star Wars: The Madalorian TV series. These are 32 mm plastic figures from Atomic Mass Games, for their Star Wars: Legion game, though they are quite big and are more in line with some of the 40 mm figures I paint.

Both were reasonably quick to paint up, separated by an inconveniently timed week-long school camp, and involved more dry brushing than I normally indulge in. All up that should be 9 x 25-32mm figures and two bonus locations for 85 points.


From Millsy:

LOL! I think I have a Konflikt of interest (see what I did there?). I've painted these exact same two sets of miniatures, and in the case of the Dark Troopers we were painting them at the same time unbeknownst to each other. Clearly you're also a man of taste and discernment sir!

Like The Addams Family vs. The Muntsers (look up the timing) you can't have enough of a good thing and I very much like your interpretation of the dark metal. Mine is less obviously highlighted and I think yours will read better on the table.

Well done Steve, a cracking way to earn yourself 85 points.


1 comment:

  1. Great to see the nachtjager Stephen, these are cracking sculpts that don't see enough table time.
