Friday, 11 January 2019

Duels Update

Ahoy Challengers!

Apologies for the lack of a comprehensive Duels update thus far. A foolish person might suggest that there have been some computational errors but such a heretical statement would only result in their being burned at the stake in sacrifice to the dark Gods of The Shreadsheet. Mea maxima Culpa. Suffice it to say that this is in the process of being rectified and I will advertise here when the Side Duels page has been fully updated.

In the meantime its great to see all the fantastic entries and fierce competition is building (which is why I want to get it right).  A reminder to all that the best way to ensure your SD related entries stand up to be counted is by writing something to that effect near the end of your post. Your minion will then assign the entry to that SD when she or he inscribes it in their own blood into the Sacred Book of Submissions.

Happy Duelling!

Wallah 9 Actual


  1. Duels Wallah, there's no scores on the Black Powder duel. I know I've scored 60 points to date (40 for my SYW Dragoons and 20 for my bonus round). Likely my error for not alerting you properly.

    1. Yeah, I think your last sentence answered your first pretty well, Peter.

      At over 160 entries since Dec 20th we can't possibly ask Paul to keep track of each side duel and challenge as they are published - that's our job. You want to get your stuff scored - send him a note.

  2. If any of Monday's Children feel they are missing out on SD stuff drop me an email.
