Sunday 22 December 2019

From Barks: No one expects this entry! (45 points)

There are three steps in my red recipe:
  1. Vallejo Scarlet Red spray
  2. Wash with 3:1 VGC 73.206 Red Shade: Army Painter Strong Tone
  3. Black lining
  4. Highlight with AP Pure Red and VMC 70.909 Vermillion
Four! There are four steps in my red recipe:
  1. Vallejo Scarlet Red spray
  2. Wash with 3:1 VGC 73.206 Red Shade: Army Painter Strong Tone
  3. Black lining
  4. Highlight with AP Pure Red and VMC 70.909 Vermillion
  5. An almost fanatical devotion to the Snowlord
Five! Oh bugger...
Cardinal Ximinez

Cardinal Biggles

Cardinal Fang

Hello everyone, it is great to be back for another Challenge! 

These figures are from Hungry Troll, and are 35mm. They were a bonus for a Kickstarter, and I can't find them on their website.

They are my entry for Sander's Sand Dunes, which has to have a red component.

3x 35mm figures 15 points
Challenge 30 points


Strange, I have an odd affinity to your Four Step Red Recipe...

These models are terrific and your brushwork is spot-on, Barks. Well done mate. I hope Hungry Troll decides to issue these at some point as I'm sure they'd be very popular (Cardinal Biggles kills me).

It seems 'Sander's Sand Dunes' is a popular Christmas holiday destination. Your math is correct and you can strike inland with 45 points under your belt. Well done Barks!


  1. Great job mate - love the wonderful colour and the theme. I suspect there is a comfy couch somewhere amongst your upcoming terrain submissions...

    Welcome back to the fray!

  2. Great looking minis, you've really nailed that three step red recipe.

  3. Hahaha! Excellent idea for the blog entry

  4. Brilliant. I love the animation of these figures (and your painting of course). Nice entry mate.

  5. Super bunch of cardinals!
    Best Iain

  6. That had me laughing out loud, not for the last time this challenge I suspect (/hope). Brilliant idea, and great execution too!

  7. I would love a set of these figures due to my fanatical devotion to the Pope 🇻🇦

    Brilliant matey 👍

  8. Very nice work on these three chaps. The red came out lovely!

  9. Fantastic entry - but all that red, are you sure you've not broken a cardinal rule?

  10. Splendid work, these have bags of character

  11. Well we should have expected someone to come up with these for the Sanddunes as red is seriously their colour isn't it? Great stuff Barks really well done!

    1. I don’t think you could get more red on a figure...
