Sunday 22 December 2019

From MartinC: For Joshua (200 Points)

This is my 1st post of the Challenge and true to form I've painted an entire 10mm Lizardman army. This is part of the For Joshua project set up by James of this parish and MadTin Hatter fame. The link to the project can be found here. This is a very noble cause and I would like you all to go and visit the site, please.

The project will build a massive 10mm fanatsy battle using Pendraken 10mm figs and will tour the shows in 2020 before being raffled off.

For my part I decided on a 10mm lizardman army from Pendraken, who offered us a generous discount.

The whole army - note I still can't take photos

So I primed them green, I even used spray paint, and started painting them yesterday morning. Today they are finished and varnished.

3 wizards on brontosauruses. These dinosaurs didn't come from Pendraken but in a cheap bag of dinosaurs for a friends daughter

The missile troops, archers, slingers and crossbow lizards

The cavalry, lizards on Allosaurs


Lizardmen warriors

These were great to paint and the casts are really detailed.

Scores on the doors

124 foot = 124 pts
12 cavalry = 24 pts
8 lizards on 3 massive dinosaurs = about 24pts

Grand total = 172pts.

Right, so now i'm off to find a map to an island. Good to be back.


Welcome back to the Challenge, Martin!

This is an amazing first entry for an excellent and worthy cause. (AND all done in the past day - wow.) 

So much to like about this entry. The lizardmen warriors, the cavalry on the wacky Allosaurs and the stonking lizard wizards(!) on bespoke brontosauruses!! Jeez Louise that's pretty darned cool. What a characterful force, which I'm sure will fetch a good price through the upcoming raffle. Martin, you'll have to give us some details on the raffle so those following the Challenge can participate. 

Due to the nature of this entry I think it needs a points bump as it's a gift for a wonderful cause, so let's put the total at an even 200 points. Well done, sir.



  1. Thanks Martin - very much appreciated. Both the donation and the hobby time and effort spent in memory of my wee boy. J

    1. James, it is the least I can do. When the details have been worked out we must tell the Challengers

  2. cheers Curt, it was strange doing something I love for the saddest of reasons.

  3. Wow!!! That's some going getting all those figures done so quickly, and for such a worthy cause too.

  4. A whole Army done in less than 3 days? And its donated for a great cause?
    Thanks for making the rest of us feel inadequate in multiple ways Martin...

    1. it was 30 hours including sleep and life things

    2.'s always those f*cking 'life things' ...

    3. laundry, shopping, doing the dishes. have to do something while the glue dries

  5. That's one heck of a large first entry on Day Two. Lovely stuff :)

    Hmmm, that's going to make my Lizardmen entry look rather puny.

  6. Loving these Martin! Just bonkers. I’m looking forward to seeing the path of destruction from this reptilian horde on campaign in 2020.

    1. lots of killing in cold blood. Thanks

    2. I believe that paleontogists are unsure on whether Dinosaurs were cold or warm blooded, and that might extend t9 lizard men as well....

    3. dinosaurs, being the ancestors of birds were warm blooded. To go full pedant the lizardmen are a mix of crocodile types and newtmen, who were cold blooded

  7. Wow - quantity AND quality for a massive opening salvo. Good luck with the raffling.

  8. An amazing entry, well done.

  9. Full army in a couple of days!! The fastest brush at this side of the Mississippi!!! Great entry

  10. Great big old entry, excellent work!
    Best Iain

  11. Lovely work and enviable productivity too! Well done sir.

  12. Cracking output there, Martin, top job 👍

  13. A fine looking army for a worthy cause!

  14. Amazing, Martin, to submit a complete army as your first post, especially one so well done. Does that mean we'll be seeing an army every post???

  15. Fantastic work on these and a lovely cause to work towards.

  16. Impressive work! That's quite a points bomb in such a short period of painting time!

  17. Impressive work and doubly so for the noble cause. Splendid repurposing of the toy dinosaur bits, I'd never have known if you didn't mention it.
