Monday 10 February 2020

From SanderS: Rousell's Sandhill: 80 YW! (85 Points)

Hoi there,

In order to complete my trail towards Snowlord's Peak and the Path of the New and Shiny, I now present you my entry for the Sandhill. Sadly no badgers, sandbags or taking a leak is involved...

Choosing from the long list of conflicts Ray provided in his description, I picked the 80 Years War (or Dutch Revolt or Long War) since I still have quite some figures for that to paint on my pile.

Last Challenge I entered some of the Dutch forces made by the Assault Group, now I add some characters from Wargames Foundry (from their Swashbucklers range) to them. To me these protestant Dutch rebels are a group of personages around the very real figure of "Kenau" a woman who played a major role in defending the rebellious city of Haarlem against the Spanish. I have tried to name them all and will give a rationale behind some of these figures below.

"Rooie Jan"
Or Red Jan, he's the brawn of the pack.

"Gekke Gerrit"
 Mad Gerrit, he's a strangely flamboyant type who I figure to be a psychotic killer.

"Lange Pieter"
Or Tal Peter, he's one of the more serious and intellectual types in the band. His orange stockings denote his allegiance to the rebel cause.

"Harige Hendrik"
Hairy Henry is an old veteran and acts as bodyguard and man-servant to Governor Ripperda 

"Edele Onno" 
Noble Onno is a younger son of impoverished nobility who has joined Ripperda in his cause. He still wears his armour and riding boots.

"Matige Mats"
Average Mats, this really was my least favourite figure out of the bunch. I really had no inspiration for this one so hence the "average" nickname. 

"Oude Willem"
Old Willem is a servant of Ripperda as well, I could state he's carrying around a chest full of sand and try to claim some sandbag bonus points but that'd be cheating. It's the governor's papers.

The figures below are all Historic Figures.
 "Kenau, Simonsdochter Hasselaer"
Leader of a group of women who played a large part in keeping the Spanish out of Haarlem for quite some time. I used a Dutch movie about her as inspiration for her clothing. I do believe it's on Netflix. For more info see this LINK

"Governor Wigbolt Ripperda" 
He's the boss defending Haarlem in the name of Prince William of Orange. For info on him see this LINK

I made the picture above because the figure was hunched over in his pose. He looked to be of fancy dress but the Dutch Calvinists were notoriously sober in dress. I really like how the blue pops from the brown of the rest of the suit.

"Prince William of Orange-Nassau" 
Of course I had to have a figure of the leader of the Dutch Revolt in order to set an assasination squad on him one day. I have portrayed him here as he could have appeared in his early years and just prior the Revolt. He was a catholic nobleman living at the court of the King of Spain and the Netherlands Charles V, before converting to Calvinism in order to marry into money

So there we have it dear Ray, I do hope you are pleased?! There's quite a lot of floppy hats here (although not of the wide brimmed variant) and I do hope they are worth their points. 10 x 5 = 50 together with the 30 points bonus is 80 points for the tally.

So now...with much trepidation and growing fear I put my foot on the slope towards faraway Snowlords Peak...


Truly, the combination of Ray and the AHPC is the gift that keeps on giving.  How else could we have ever enjoyed is the phrase "sadly, no taking a leak is involved"?  My goodness this is fun. 

Well done here Sander. There is so much cool history here - and something I can check out on Netflix? Five bonus points, just for that! Floppy hats galore, and a whole new set of history I can check out! Thanks very much, great stuff. 

That will be 85 points for you!



  1. Those are indeed lovely Sander, plus history and fashion lessons! Wonderful stuff and goof luck with this project. I'd like to see more (I think you need boats, especially exposing boats).

    1. Boats might just be in the future Peter...

  2. 🎈I agree with Greg ... a Netflix historical drama to check out? Awesome ... and now off to read about Kenau, she looks fearsome and flamboyant🎈

  3. @ Greg and the lady Sarah: dang, they have taken it off Netflix! I have included the (Dutch) trailer in the post. Other Dutch movies you might want to check on youtube are "Nova Zembla" will be familiar for Canadians regarding snow and polar bears and Michiel de Ruiter (1672 and all that)

    1. Netflix, not youtube...oh them damn gremlins in my mind...

    2. The DeRuyter film appeals but I’ve not seen it.

    3. Well, there are some nice scenes, and a lot of bad ones. Just go a little crazy and try it, for kicks ;-)

  4. Ooh1 I love these, especially all the cloaks and swashing of buckles. A great set of figures, Sander.

    1. Cheers Noel, they were less annoying to paint then I'd feared. The Kenau figure kinda reminded me of Lady the Winter...

  5. Super set of floppy hatted folk! Wonderfully painted!
    Best Iain

  6. Great collection of floppy hatted adventurers.

  7. Terrific entry Sander. Sarah and I have a date to watch Kenau on Netflix soon.
