Tuesday 17 March 2020

from JohnS - A Bad Scrabble Hand H,J,M & P (75 points)

As we scrabble towards the end of the Challenge I present 4 different letters for my ABC Challenge.
First up is H is for Hammerers. I recently played my first game of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th edition. While I have enjoyed many games of 6th and 7th, I had never played 8th. (Don't mention AoS, you will make too many old gits like me upset.) A friend really wanted to play so I put together a little 4000 point Dwarf force. The larger units encouraged by 8th were a bit of a strain to assemble, especially the elite units. Plus we only ever table painted figures. Imagine my horror finding I only had 25 Hammerers.

Fortunately I possess a well supplied unpainted auxiliary force (that's fancy speak for a stonkin' great leadpile) that I was able to draw reinforcements from for training. And painting. I must say that I was quite surprised to find these, they were hiding under a couple of thousand plastic Warriors.

They were painted to match the existing unit and I am happy that I got pretty close as I purchased the balance of the unit pre-painted. I actually like copying good paint jobs, I find it very satisfying when old and new figures will mix seamlessly.

After the Dwarves it is time to return to Spain with J is for Jefe. I decided that it was time that my varied irregular Spanish units received an officer cadre. Well two chaps with fancy uniforms who liked to be called "Jefe" anyway.

I am always interested to read that officers in most Napoleonic armies had the ability to liberally interpret the uniform codes. It was a case of off to the tailor and muttering something along the lines of "Make me something that reflects my nobility and courage. With lots of gold braid. And shiny buttons." 

After all, if one is to be impotent, one must look impotent. Besides, shiny gold stuff makes sure you stand out on the field of battle. We all want that, right?

Next up is M for Militia. You couldn't find a more diverse lot of uniforms and equipment than among this lot of barrel scrapings, sorry, I mean fine militia recruits.

Ready to do their bit to throw out the filthy foreigners (well they are now that they have been impressed into service after being dragged from under beds and down from attics) you couldn't find a finer body of men. Unless you opened your eyes and looked for some of course.

They even have a drummer to keep the beat while they march in time. Like a herd of cats.

Lastly, where would we be in the great war against the French devils without the support of the church? P is for Padre has a local member of the clergy blessing the troops and getting ready to pitch in himself.

I believe the saying goes "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition" Although I don't remember priests carrying muskets whenever I have wandered close to a church.

This Padre seems more of an Old Testament kind of preacher, ready to do a bit of smiting.

That concludes this weeks entry. I will try and get one or two more in tomorrow or Thursday but if not, this 75 points will put me over the line to achieve my points goal for the first time ever in the AHPC. I am well chuffed.

By Paul:

What a wonderfully diverse entry John! From stout angry chaps with big smashy hammers, to shmancy 'Orficer types, militia that even the press gangs left behind (and thats saying something!), and the Priest with the unenviable task of ministering to that motley flock (the musket is to butt stroke the unrepentant at mass you know). I've really enjoyed watching your A to Z of entries this year.

Congratulations on making your challenge target for the first time matey. That special feeling in the cockles of your heart (maybe below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle area) will warm your hobby heart until the next AHPC Season. Your shout for the beers then!


  1. A great and varied submission John! Love those venerable Hammerers! And a big congratulations on smashing through your Challenge target. Bravo!

  2. Nice mix of figures John. :)

  3. Great looking hammerers and super looking Napoleonic Spanish !
    Best Iain

  4. Great work John. As others noted, those Hammerers are pure classics! Great stuff.

  5. An open vowel good turn that into a reasonable score. Jump, hemp etc
    Nice bunch of figures.

  6. While the Spanish are lovely, the Dwarfs are my favourite.

  7. I've really enjoyed your alphabet challenge!
