Tuesday 17 March 2020

From PeterD 28mm Flemish House (10 points)

It's last week of the Challenge and time to clear all the various half finished projects on the work bench.  This is a 28mm house from Sarissa precision.  This was actually the first thing that I started on Boxing Day, but I got sidetracked by other projects.  I was also frustrated by first attempt at it.  I finally got around to doing the finishing touch ups and while not fully satisfied, it's close enough for Government work.

Architecturally this says the Low Countries but I want t use it for my SYW project in Western Germany.  Google pictures searches show similar styles in the Rheinland and it would be bang on the money along the German North Sea coast.  It would also serve nicely in WW2 campaigns in 1949 and 1944-5.

The house is 6.5" tall, 4' deep and 3.5" wide for a total of 91 cubic inches or 42% of a 6" cube.  (If memory serves 91 cubic inches was also the max capacity of a supercharged formula one engine in classic days.)  Let's call it 8 points.

By Paul: Very satisfying to clear older projects from the bench, this will be useful for a range of contexts. I'm rounding it up to half a terrain cube for 10 points.


  1. Lovely work, the main colour is really nice and contrasts well with the white.

    1. Thanks Jamie. I wanted some colour but without the jelly bean effect you see in modern pictures.

  2. Very nice gabled huis Peter.

  3. Thanks for the kind words and the extra points Paul.

  4. Well done Pete! Need some of those for my own collection. Will steal... ahem... copy the colour scheme.

    1. Thanks and steal away. Raw sienna base, with unbleached titanium trim. Shutters are Payne’s grey over a grey flannel and roof is plain Payne’s grey

  5. Love the colour scheme, nice looking house!
    Best Iain

  6. Great work Peter. I always respect people who can manage to paint terrain :)

    1. Thanks Greg. Normally I find buildings a nice mental break from figures, though I got in a bit of a grump over this one.

  7. Nice building Peter, buildings are a pain to do right. I always can't stop myself calculating how many figures I could have finished in the time it takes me to paint one building...

    1. Thanks Sander. I find them a nice change in pace on occasion
