Thursday 12 March 2020

From Ross M: 20mm D.A.K - 84 points

For this submission I am returning to an earlier theme - Deutsche Afrika Korps from SHQ Miniatures.

Two squads are shown here, the first a standard infantry section and the second a pioneer section.

The infantry section

Now the Pioneer section.

Finely cast figures which hold their details well. They have also lasted well against the wheels of time.

The last figure above, is a tank hunter although I am not really sure the panzerfaust was used in North Africa.

The tally so far

21 x 20mm infantry : 84 points
The running total - 248 (49.6.%)

Cheers for now.

Great work on these. colours and shading work well. and all pictures worked. Yay



  1. Nice work! I was wondering about the panzerfaust.

  2. Some of my first figures were plastic 1/72 DAK; these bring back memories.
