Thursday 12 March 2020

From SanderS: "What ho the balloon service!" (30 pts)


As a good little sycophant to our illustrious Snowlord I copied his idea and painted some Sisters Repentia for my Adepta Sororitas. No tell a lie, I had the idea a bit earlier because I still needed to paint these old metal versions as well as a small unit of new plastic ones from the Limited edition army box released not long ago.

Now since I initially wanted to visit all Challenge Island locations I had planned to take a ballon to Douglas's Shallows, but since we only have one more week to go I will change this and go to O'Grady's Gulch instead. Mainly because I want to finish the Challenge at...Sander's Sand Dunes, sound logical?

So as the Balloon Service requires female figures to be entered I hereby present some of my Repentia for the Holy Ordo of the Bloody Rose.

Why the Bloody Rose? Well everybody is painting the Ordo of Our Martyred Lady so I want to be contrary and do something else (I just reversed the colourscheme and it happened to be the Bloody Rose ordo) second I really liked the idea of painting red armour with white and yellow accents.

Also included (and to make this entry a nice 5 figure one) is a Cyber-cherub, these ugly little creepies now have gotten more usefull in the new codex for sure! 

As to the bubblies (as the hipsters over here call Champagne) I am no great fan, heck I am no great wine fan either. Me, I like good old hearty and strong ales. Give me a Limburgian or Belgian Special Beer and I am a happy man. However, in the UK I have learned to drink ciders as well, dare I say I like a good pint of Bulmers now and again? I got the impression Bulmers is a ladies drink but I don't care really.

I digress, I went in search for a cider over here and the only thing I was able to find was this one, it was rather good and it's French... oh well.

Now as to actually getting into the balloon... my wife has actually sugested to get a balloon ride quite a few times in the past, but I really do suffer from fear of depths and in a contraption that even WW1 commanders agreed on was worth giving it's crew a parachute while airmen were not allowed one and the pilot has no real means of controlling it's flight, you will not get me in there. Quite apart from the fact that two big bags of hot air will probably cancel each other out for certain.  I am rambling again am I not?

Pointswise I am going with 5 x 5 is 25  plus the cider bonus is 30 points right?

Anyway dear Lady Sarah, I apologize up front for the screaming cursing crying and wetted trousers but there you have it on to O Grady's Gulch!

these ladies look tough as hell. As for cider, it's a proper drink and French cider (from Normandy) is great. Sarah will enjoy it



  1. Nice work Sander - glad to see you've overcome the missing pics bug with this post! :)

  2. Lovely looking sisters!
    Best Iain

  3. Lovely work on these chainsaw wielding manicettes Sander. I’m with Martin, I’ve had French cider in both Normandy and Brittany and it’s wonderful.
