Sunday 31 January 2021

AlanD - The first of many Dacians.... (50 points)

My plan for AHPC XI has been to focus on projects related to Rome and her enemies. This entry sees the start of a new Infamy! Infamy! warband of one of Rome's most challenging enemies - the Dacians.

Infamy does not yet actually have rules for Dacians, but I believe in my heart that they will be along at some any case, I really just wanted an excuse to paint some of the truly gorgeous new Victrix figures.

Dacian shield designs are pretty tricky, and I'm not going to attempt to paint them. Hence this entry is all shieldless warriors with bows and the dreaded falx, while I wait for shield decals to arrive.

Dadazi's friends always knew he would get ahead....

So, ten Dacians should give me 50 points. These are great figures to paint - I'm looking forward to doing more!


  1. Beautiful painting work and very nice minis!! I see a project looming in my horizon

  2. Well done Alan! The checkered cloaks look the part

  3. 'Ahead'... You're killing me here. :)

    Brilliant work Alan. I've always wanted to do Dacians with those ferocious looking falx and your examples here have me reaching for my credit card...

  4. Hairy barbarians indeed! They look great and I’m looking forward to see more. Do you have Legionaries up armoured to deal with the falx?

  5. Hmm, constantly learning something throughout this painting challenge... I have never heard of a Falx before, yet now I need one for some reason.... Lovely work Alan.

  6. Very nice painting, the cloaks and trews look excellent!

  7. Lovely looking Dacians! Splendid start to your warband!
    Best Iain

  8. very nice mate - not looking forward to facing these chaps!

  9. Great stuff .. love the armour painting on the commander. Cheers Jez

  10. Great work Alan! Have to love the falx!

  11. Nice start to your new warband.

  12. Great work - Dacians are my favorite ancients army to play on the table top - yours are superb

  13. Great work on these Dacians, fearsome bunch 👏
    Regards KenR
