Sunday 31 January 2021

From BenitoM: Roman Times Food Delivery Service - The Larder (35 points)

My entry in The Larder Room, the first documented food delivery service dated back to the Roman era.

This is a supply train that I painted initially to be part of Infamy! Infamy! support assets, but it can be used in any game ranging between the Ancient times to the Spanish Civil War. The supply train in Infamy is useful specially for the Romans a means of replenishing some throwing weapons like the pilum (the rules limit to two throws per game unless resupplying); or else it can be used as an objective in a game scenario (for example, Barbarians aiming to disrupt the roman supply lines by capturing the convoy).


Painting animals is tricky but I found very useful photos googling "mules and donkeys" on Internet. It seems that these animals have very light (many times white) areas in the inner side of legs and the belly, as well around the eyes.

These models belong to the Wargames Foundry Pack Animals series. The scale is closer to 25mm than 28mm as usual with this manufacturer, and the animals come with an assortment of heavy laden packs as you can see in the photos.

The theme I believe perfectly fits in the The Larden room ("vignette themed around food, drink..."). Therefore, with this entry I can add 35 points to my Challenge scoring: 3 x 25mm models @5 points each + 20 points bonus


  1. Excellent. Lardy games give such miniatures a great addition to the game. Get the supplies across the board or capture the supplies. Well done.

  2. Lovely work Benito (and excellent tips on the colouring of these faithful beasts). As these are Spanish, I would expect them to be carrying ingredients for paella, chocolate and churros. :)

  3. Loving these beasts of burden Benito, the ancient version of the food truck or lunch trolley.

  4. Great looking figures Benito. I have always loved all these extra little bits to add to games, but somehow never actually get to painting any of my own....

  5. Very nice sculpts and you've done a great job on them!

  6. Lovely looking heavily laden beasts of burden, excellent for the larder or for Larden!
    Best Iain

  7. Great job, they look spot on! So useful in so many games. I might have to get some myself...

  8. Very true on the delivery service and the look splendid!


  9. Great painting and perfect entry to fit the category - very useful figure models to ... Cheers Jez

  10. Very nice and useful figures; you've really captured the fur.

  11. Great painting Benito. And thanks to Curt's comment, I'm also keen to enjoy some Rioja...

  12. Marvelous multi-purpose mules. Nice work.

  13. Deliveroo for the Ancients 😁
    Regards KenR
