Wednesday 3 February 2021

From DrQ: Stormcast Eternals in the Knights Solar (40 points)

For the Knights Solar I've painted up the most knightly and solar models I can find. Here are a few Stormcast Sequitors and a gryph-hound from the Storm Strike box. 

These are push-to-fit models with no modularity. But the Sequitor Prime is pretty good regardless.

I tried to paint these all with a makeshift nonmetallic scheme using contrast paints for the heavy lifting of the gradients. My Kharadron Overlords have a true metallic scheme, and I want these models to look distinct. I also used Citadel's Nighthaunt Gloom Technical on the base. I'm not sure if the scheme worked entirely, but they're good enough for tabletop. 

Apparently, the gryph-hound is supposed to go with the other Stormcast unit in the box—the Castigators. However, I just felt like painting him (her? them?) up right now.  

As far as points, four 28mm models is 20 points plus the challenge are bonus of 20 points is 40 points total. Oh, and two more skulls for my meager skull throne. 


  1. Very knightly knights and the bases are very nice and nightly.

  2. Nice work. I have trouble separating my views on the Stormcast models from my feelings on what/how GW has done to my beloved Old World...but these are certainly cool, very dramatic models and the paint job is excellent!

  3. I fully agree with Greg, while I am not fond of the AoS gameplay the figures are nice and your paintjob has done them proud, very good!

  4. I’ve no idea what these are but they fit the Bill for the room and they’re nicely painted. I like the griffin doggy thing.

  5. Lovely looking knightly chaps and the hound is ace!
    Best Iain

  6. Nice work on these Stormcast. The colour scheme suits them, as do the bases.

  7. Very coherent colour scheme- and two skullz added!

  8. Great job on these super AOS figures 👏
    Regards KenR
