Wednesday 3 February 2021

From TomM: The Tomb: Mausoleum (25 pts)

 For the entry of the next room in this epic quest through the Chambers of Challenge, I literally went for what the quest says: a tomb.

A perfect chamber to get some scenery piece done, I printed up a small mausoleum and accompanying graves to build a piece of CD terrain (am I a year late here?).

The model has been scaled to fit the Shire games I`m planning, because unfortunatly Hobbits don`t live for ever either, even though they have long lifespans.

For points calculation, as it is nowhere near 6 cubic inches, I thought 5 points would be suited, together with the 20 bonus points for the room.

And now onwards to the third level!


  1. Lovely looking tomb on the blessed Mr Awdrys CD!
    Best Iain

  2. Great looking bit of terrain.

  3. I feel a Shire wake would be sad but well catered.

  4. I like that, a good piece to mark the dead centre of your table 😎
    Regards KenR
