Wednesday 3 February 2021

The Return of Cap'n Wednesday and his Desert Island survey!

Aye, its Wednesday again me Hearties, and this week the Cap'n returns with the answers to his Desert Island survey. Last week we posed this question:

Scenario: If you were marooned on a desert island (with other wargamers, if you so choose), what THREE games would you want to have with you? There is only room for three in your sea chest, but you can take whatever minis/accessories you might need to play them.

Some erudite Challengers stepped up to the mark and nailed their colours to the mast, good job!*  Those that didn't now get to take NO games to the island and spend their time painting everyone else's models.  Thats what a Black Spot gets you these days...

Anyhow, the Inner Counsel convened to consider this weighty matter and have declared the following to be the one true answer to the dilemma:

1. SAGA. With its myriad supplements from Fantasy through Dark Ages to Crusades, and its battle board system providing great replay-ability. This was the first game selected for the Sea Trunk.

2. Battlegroup. Playable from Platoon to Battalion level, with models ranging from 6 to 28mm, and with supplements covering most of the theatres and period of WW2, this was selected as the WW2 game of choice. Plus we really like it, so thats that.

3. Players' Choice. This one was a three way tie between Sharp Practice and Warhammer Fantasy Battles - so its player's choice for this one! We recommend arm wresting t settle a tie.

So there you have it Challengers, the first (and probably last) of Cap'n Wednesday irrelevant surveys! 

Now lets post some submissions...

* see here:


  1. Regarding number 3, wouldn't a three way tie indicate there were three possible winners, not two?

    That minor point aside, I think the survey was a great idea and I think you should do more. Paint brands, model scales, model makers, we need to know the answers, Cap'n Wednesday!

  2. Please Cap'n Wednesday, please, dont say its the last survey! That is dark news, indeed

  3. I missed last week survey but for me it would be Advanced Swuad Leader the #1: you colud be playing for many many years and you woud always discover some new rule in the book... endless joy
